Example sentences of "such term [conj] " in BNC.

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1 6.2 The failure of either party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of future performance of any such term or condition
2 7.2 The failure of either party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of future performance of any such term or condition .
3 7.2 The failure of either party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of future performance of any such term or condition .
4 7.2 The failure of either party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of future performance of any such term or condition .
5 At first sight this looks like an uninteresting stipulation about how to use the word ‘ fact ’ — uninteresting because the anti-materialist could as well state his case using some such term as ‘ feature ’ or ‘ aspect ’ , and it is difficult to see how , once having allowed that there is something called ‘ what it is like to see ’ which one only learns by seeing , one could refuse to describe this as a feature or aspect of mental life .
6 ( a ) Duration of tenancy The duration of a new tenancy granted under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 is to be such term as is reasonable in all the circumstances ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s33 ) .
7 Some textbooks include glossaries of such terms but a good dictionary is essential .
8 If the objects of the society are not charitable , the rule against perpetuities ( see p. 42 ) , from which charities , provided that they are to begin within the perpetuity period , are exempt , will make void any gift of property by way of permanent endowment , whether made by will or otherwise ; but there is nothing to prevent gifts or bequests from being made to a non-charitable society in such terms that it can , at any time , dispose of the capital at its pleasure .
9 ( 4 ) A payment may be made on such terms that it has been agreed , expressly or impliedly , by the recipient that , if it shall prove not to have been due , it will be repaid by him .
10 The fact is that the project itself will call into question the notion of success and failure , my theme in the big glass , he wrote , is , after all , the calling into question of such terms as success and failure , the calling into question of such notions as project and even work .
11 The audience recognise physical movement for itself alone whereas those who theorise and attempt to define what they mean by such terms as post or neo-modern , contemporary , avant-garde , etc. base their works on intellectual concepts which need to be discussed in words .
12 A real deformation of values is suggested by the common use of such terms as ‘ productive scholars ' ’ and ‘ ‘ scholarly output' ’ . '
13 The first task consisted of formulating a view of society which was based on principles different from the traditional ones , according to which societies could be typified in terms of their administrative organization by using such terms as ‘ democracy ’ or ‘ monarchy ’ .
14 Throughout it is held that professionals and managers are people and it is people who should be brought to mind whenever such terms as professionalism and professionality or management and managerialism are encountered .
15 Such terms as ‘ idiot ’ and ‘ imbecile ’ have even attained a certain respectability , to be joined no doubt in time , by such terms as ‘ moron ’ and ‘ cretin ’ .
16 Such terms as ‘ idiot ’ and ‘ imbecile ’ have even attained a certain respectability , to be joined no doubt in time , by such terms as ‘ moron ’ and ‘ cretin ’ .
17 Children who are described as mildly mentally handicapped are often upset to hear themselves described as such , and such terms as ‘ children with learning difficulties ’ are now in vogue .
18 Writers often mistakenly use such terms as ‘ women spinning with their distaff . ’
19 In the context of course evaluation the research work of the Travelling Workshops Experiment and the James project attempted to make practising librarians familiar with such terms as formative evaluation , summative evaluation and illuminative evaluation .
20 Over the last few years I have also complained to the Press Council on a number of occasions , about various newspapers using such terms as ‘ Gay Plague ’ , or saying that the disease was spread by whispered conversations , or for exaggerating the amount of money spent by local authorities on gay issues .
21 If you find such terms as ‘ Uniform Edition ’ , ‘ Valima Edition ’ , ‘ Border Edition ’ ( and even ‘ Author 's Edition ’ ) you will almost certainly be correct in deciding that the volume can not be a ‘ first ’ but forms part of a , later collected edition , all dressed up in a special format — a ‘ uniform ’ , in fact .
22 In referring to the Kingdom the Old Testament spoke in such terms as ‘ Behold , the days are coming ’ .
23 5.2 The Proprietor further grants to the Publisher the right to grant sub-licenses under the Licence hereby granted on such terms as the Publisher may determine .
24 WHEREAS the Authors have assigned the copyright in the Work to the Company together with all future copyright arising in connection with the Work whatsoever , and have also given the Company full authority to negotiate the exploitation of the Work ( including the re-assignment of copyright ) on such terms as the Company may so decide and
25 If the above criteria are met by the applicant , and any objections or representations prove ill-founded , an O licence is granted on such terms as the LA thinks fit .
26 Ageism is also structurally determined by policy documents which denigrate the growing number of very old people as a non-productive burden by such terms as The Rising Tide ( Health Advisory Service , 1983 ) .
27 It would appear to have been adopted in psychoanalysis because of its air of scientific detachment and objectivity , its freedom from the objectionable religious overtones of such terms as ‘ sin ’ and ‘ evil ’ .
28 If you require a long , technical explanation of how pre-flash works together with such terms as ‘ Gamma ’ and ‘ Exponential Progression ’ Gene 's book , ( Chapter 12. ) will explain it .
29 Writers concerned to establish a ‘ great divide ’ between the thinking processes of different social groups have classically described them in such terms as logical/pre-logical , primitive/modern and concrete/scientific .
30 She is thinking here , specifically , of the way in which schooled Wolof children in her tests described the sets they selected in terms of ‘ complete linguistic predication ’ , using such terms as ‘ they are round ’ rather than ‘ they — round ’ .
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