Example sentences of "one might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Proceeding by trial and error ; thus one might speak of a heuristic approach to teaching grammar .
2 It was impossible to make Malm see that one might love the moor , enjoy walking , have become accustomed to the cold .
3 On the first floor one might sit at a table overlooking the Bay while enjoying a Swanage lobster salad or a delicious cream tea .
4 One might distinguish three kinds of policy areas in which a country either is or is not sovereign .
5 There was one , now , lurking in the vegetable basket and Henry moved towards it as one might move towards an unexploded bomb .
6 Henry had always assumed that this was due , on her part , to an entirely natural physical repugnance for him ; she moved away from him as one might move away from a bad smell or a dangerous horse .
7 Most of the ideas , techniques and strategies described in Part Two hold good for working with young children , but it is worth devoting time to a specific discussion of how one might adapt the work on still image and forum theatre for use with this age group , as they are sometimes thought to be strategies that can only be successfully used with older children .
8 It 's the sort of question that a man and a woman might very well give different answers to , but it seems to me that there are different sorts of things that erm some women tend to notice , different sorts of ideas that tend to assume prominence in the imaginations of some women , and erm to that extent I think that George Eliot 's sympathy for other people , including people that she does n't actually agree with , is perhaps a characteristic that one might tend to find more in a women novelist than in a male novelist , although I 'm not sure that one can be absolutely dogmatic and say that one would never find a male novelist who could write the way that George Eliot does .
9 She hoped that one might eat the duck with the lovely hair .
10 One might suggest then that the ‘ major project ’ Holdaway recognized was missing from the college inventory is still to come !
11 Indeed , one might suggest that anyone ignorant of science ( or , incidentally , of economics ) is ill-fitted to the modern world .
12 One might suggest at this point that the level and module metaphors are not really opposed , because there could be a module that did the translation between the uppermost level and the one below it , and so on downwards .
13 One might suggest that sado-masochistic inclination becomes deviant in dual relationship to obsession and circumstance , as well as under considerations of extremity .
14 Thus , for example , one might suggest lucifer as a synonym for match in 8 ( but not in 9 ) , and contest as a synonym in 9 ( but not in 8 ) :
15 One might suggest that the vibrancy in the Philippine health movement is a measure of the critical nature of the struggle but I could argue that it is a product of the manner in which the struggle is being waged .
16 One might suggest that the support service which the team gives to families has been developed largely because it was an " unclaimed " service area , as it were .
17 Looking at the specific people and events mentioned , the degree to which one might talk of ‘ organisation ’ seems somewhat open to question .
18 Succumbing to temptation is our business , one might paraphrase , but delivering us from evil is God 's .
19 Plainly , there is therefore an absolute necessity of early identification of all witnesses upon whom one might rely , even if at that stage statements are not taken from them , thus for example , it would be good practice to identify all those persons who witnessed the accident , who were working in the vicinity of the pursuer at the time of the accident , together with those who have a supervisory function , such as Foreman , Supervisors and Shift Managers .
20 You have no idea of how much coal is needed to keep a small grate going so that one might cook . ’
21 Their position , one might conjecture , is characterized by what in psychiatric circles would be called a ‘ double-bind ’ , woven out of these underlying beliefs :
22 The risk , with such a broad approach , is that one might end up making generalisations that were too broad and had little power to predict with any accuracy the intonation that a speaker would use in a particular context .
23 What Peter had damaged , and what one might hope to restore , was the natural soil-based unity of Russia .
24 Finally one might hope that some useful distinctions could be drawn between ‘ having a mental experience ’ and ‘ being aware of having such an experience ’ which seems much closer to our usual view of consciousness and must certainly be an emergent property in evolution .
25 One might hope to find enlightenment on this in the brochure issued by the DES in 1986 , setting out the principles of Kenneth Baker 's brain-child , the City Technology Colleges .
26 In summary , there is positive predictive value in tests of cognitive abilities in relation to sign language proficiency , but the effects are not as consistent as one might hope and they are outweighed in magnitude by the age at which sign language is learned .
27 Done in the Jamesian manner , Jim would doubtless find himself credited with psychological subtleties and complexities of which he is quite unaware ; but still one might hope that the writer would succeed in suggesting the highly distinctive flavour of his talk , his inimitable way of retailing a diverting anecdote leisurely and with a modicum of circumlocution , from which in due time the point of the story is sure to emerge .
28 In that case one might hope to account for the working of the system without enquiring into the internal organization of the units .
29 One might hope so , but the picture in figure 10.2 does not immediately support such optimism .
30 But one might hope that we could employ both the intelligence and the powers of logical thought that we have developed through natural selection .
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