Example sentences of "one [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 If one remained in the new country , was one obliged to break one 's ties with the old , and if so did one want to ?
2 For instance : how does one convey to an audience the notion of a ship travelling in time ?
3 Erm I appreciate the point that the Board 's making about the hurt caused by broken families but how pastorally would one respond to this case ?
4 Does one have to be a Scrooge to by cynical about pleasures which are derived from escaping reality rather than embracing it ?
5 Does one have to be a spoilsport by suggesting that much of the three-line whippery which corrals family groups together is false jollity ?
6 Of what does one have to be aware ?
7 During my time at the Centre , the strict vegan , detoxifying diet was recommended for three months as a minimum ; only after that should one go to the ‘ stay well diet ’ which does allow a little fish and eggs .
8 ( a ) Murder and serious non-fatal offences ( except for games , chastisement , etc ) : a person can not consent to being killed , nor can one consent to grievous bodily harm .
9 Not by history alone , in other words , would one come to the firm description of a Council , and its relationship to the Roman Pontiff , that is contained in the 1983 Code of Canon Law .
10 How could one bear to be on the sidelines ?
11 What does one say to the mother who complains that sometimes her child will go on and on doing something that is not only naughty but dangerous .
12 What could one say to that ?
13 Theodora was faced with the usual dilemma of such contrivances , did one hammer on the outer door ( there seemed to be no bell ) and risk not being heard or did one penetrate to the inner door proper and risk being judged intrusive ?
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