Example sentences of "one [modal v] want " in BNC.

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1 But , as the image of chess suggests , one may want to ask why the agent played the move .
2 Whatever criticisms one may want to make of the quality of the evidence and analysis of the debate , it is hard to deny its effectiveness in changing the climate with regard to the control of the curriculum .
3 What I shall want to argue is that their position is caught up in a circular argument : the only reason one could have for wanting to stand in this kind of relationship to biblical women is that one is Christian , but these writers never tackle the prior question as to whether feminism is in fact compatible with Christianity , such that one should want to stand in relationship to biblical women .
4 It is clear why , if one wishes to remain within the Christian context , one should want to side with women ( and women-identified men ) against the ‘ male ’ establishment .
5 For instance , one might want to say that ‘ for all x there exists a y such that f(x) equals y ’ , but a semantic net does not support such statements .
6 So it is obviously quite implausible to propose that sentence production involves selecting , from a set of pre-existing sentences , the one you want to produce , because there are far too many different possible thoughts one might want to convey , and far too many different ways of conveying each thought .
7 No one 'd want ‘ em .
8 ‘ We must admit that a Syrian withdrawal could provoke many dangers for which no one would want to take responsibility .
9 Part of the advice one would want to give to any young person today is to thoroughly know your business by working on the factory floor .
10 The first point that one would want to make in criticism of the gens theory is that , even if descent groups such as the Iroquois gens appear as undifferentiated communities from the point of view of an outsider , this is not so from the point of view of the member of a gens .
11 No one would want to swap the full-length Blue Velvet , Raging Bull or Dead Ringers for the three-minute version .
12 No one would want to foster the doubter 's equivalent of a hypochondriac .
13 Otherwise there is a danger that the phrase will be used merely symbolically , to create the illusion of change , to deflect criticism , or to discredit opposition ( because no one would want to be seen to oppose ‘ the child 's best interests ’ ) .
14 One would want a facility for finding every occurrence of these words ; but only in the definitions , not in the quotations .
15 I think if a museum gets to be talked about ‘ Oh , well , they 've sold this and they 've sold that ’ I for one would want to make very sure that whatever I gave them could n't be sold .
16 Yet no one would want to describe the Third Reich as a democracy .
17 When one tries , one invariably finds an activity that one 's definition includes but that one would not want to count as a game , or an activity that the definition excludes but that one would want to count as a game .
18 There was a faint sticky feeling to it , as if it might trap you if you tried to struggle against it — but no one would want to struggle against this , thought Fenella , bemused with delight .
19 They include the very type of people one would want to see stay behind and build the country .
20 No one would want to underpraise the gardens of Goldney House .
21 There would be an Easter play , though no one would want to play the part of Judas , that " wicked person " who betrayed his Lord .
22 No one would want to murder me , madam . ’
23 ‘ No one would want to send me a letter like that ! ’
24 I had the feeling that this was the kind of place no one would want me going to , although it was a perfectly innocent visit of curiosity .
25 The simple truth is that if the British withdrew this country would become an economic wasteland and whether there is a Catholic voting majority at some point in the future or not there will not be a united Ireland as no one would want to pay the enormous costs involved .
26 This made it an easy room to clean , no one would want to come in while she was working .
27 Well i it 's becoming slightly unfair because Watsons is n't on the stand , Watsons would also you know probably spell out in a little bit more detail , but their advice was comprehensive that there were Inland Revenue rules that it would put the tru and so on and one would want to s to say that tha that as well , but I do want to move on .
28 Well certainly I mean , one would want to have a substantial majority in favour of a call to issue it .
29 erm there are times , perhaps , when one feels this is a little bit dull and wants to skip on for a page or two , but I suspect that that is the case with most novels that one would want to read nowadays .
30 Labour has to create a state system which is so good that no one will want to send their children anywhere else . ’
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