Example sentences of "such [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The tendency to translate English passive structures literally into a variety of target languages which either have no passive voice as such or which would normally use it with less frequency is often criticized by linguists and by those involved in training translators .
2 It is such that nothing could get in the way of its operation save changes logically inconsistent with it or with its effect or with a causal sequence of which it and its effect are parts .
3 The expectations of his adopted nation were such that nothing other than instant success was going to do .
4 Unfortunately , their trade barriers are such that nobody can get inside and buy anything .
5 Minute amounts are needed to sweeten a can of Coke and its chemistry is such that what little is consumed passes through the body ; it does not produce energising or potentially fattening calories as sugar does .
6 The key to success with such an approach is planning and communication such that everyone involved understands what is happening and their own role within the total picture .
7 These are sentences such that everyone who understands them will agree on their truth value no matter what the circumstances .
8 The project under review , to be economically feasible , must be capable of producing an excess of benefits such that everyone in society could , by a costless redistribution of the gains , be made better off .
9 All objects , such as trees , stones , and books , whether in their tangible or visible aspects , are such that their ‘ esse [ their mode of existence ] is percipi [ to be perceived ] , nor is it possible they should have any existence , out of the minds or thinking things which perceive them ’ .
10 The position and ideology of Ulster unionists is such that their goals can not be divided .
11 Another example is where the immune system is not functioning adequately ; suppose we keep animals in a condition which is such that their immune system does not work properly .
12 Tranquillizers should be prescribed only for short periods to help patients through crises where their levels of anxiety are such that their coping ability is grossly impaired .
13 It may be that the injuries are such that their full effects will not become apparent for some time and a hasty settlement might lead to an underestimation of the damage , but generally delay is on the side of the defendant .
14 Dischidia nummularia has lens-shaped leaves with no ant-association , while D. parvifolia in the Malay Peninsula with similar leaves is associated with Crematogaster ants , which , in the mountains , make tunnels at the bases of Leptospermum flavescens trees and take Dischidia seeds inside such that plants germinate in the insect frass there , such that their distribution is thereby associated with that of the tree .
15 It expresses particular concern about the fact that 10 per cent of England 's salty lagoons are projected to be lost over the next 20 years : " Their rarity , both in England and on a European scale , is such that their conservation is of the highest importance . "
16 The big three's domination is such that their nearest rivals Limerick do n't even make it into double figures .
17 The big three's domination is such that their nearest rivals Limerick do n't even make it into double figures .
18 IT IS 18 years since Coatbridge last won the Royal Bank Scottish Men 's Cup , but their tradition in the competition is such that their appearance in another final this year can not be discounted .
19 ( c ) , ( d ) and ( e ) Attenuators designed ( see text ) such that their input resistance equals the load resistance .
20 I think we will continue to have a degree of volatility in markets we 've not experienced previously and I think the way the market maker has to interpret his role now is such that we will never get the sort of fine tuning that the old jobbing system could provide .
21 [ However ] , the prospects for the short term are such that we will continue to need the economic support [ of the community ] .
22 The pong was such that we used to pinch our noses as we ran past .
23 Unfortunately , the system is such that we often pay only lip service to this very important area .
24 It is in the light of such that we can begin to understand the inception and growth of the Labour Party .
25 ‘ The political situation in FIFA , at the moment , is such that we have to be very careful of not seeing the majority move towards that idea . ’
26 When we are lucky , the orientation of spin of the resulting pulsars is such that we can place and date the initial explosion with some accuracy .
27 It did n't work , and by about the third instalment the outcry was such that we abandoned it .
28 The concept of mind is such that we should not wonder how material objects can be present to it .
29 Our conception of how language relates to reality is such that we can not see ‘ I like Auntie Kate ’ as itself a bit of Auntie-Kate-liking behaviour .
30 But it is not such that we are obliged to interpret an order to be obeyed as an expression of a belief about the other sort of order .
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