Example sentences of "should only be " in BNC.

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1 Should only be offered to women for whom other methods are unsuitable .
2 Finally , it must be stressed that increases or changes in the rate of work should only be carried out once a person has attained a high standard of physical fitness .
3 But others believe that stretching should only be carried out after exercise when the muscles are warm , thus reducing the risk of tearing them .
4 This type of stretching can clearly be dangerous if done before exercise when the muscles are cold , and so it should only be used at the end of a training session .
5 The chair looks better to me if the seat is wider at the front than at the back , but the front of the seat should only be slightly wider than the top of the back .
6 Direct Debit instructions should only be addressed to Banks in the United Kingdom .
7 Illuminated bell pushes should only be used with transformers as they get through batteries extremely quickly .
8 In any 10-year period managers should only be granted options on shares worth up to four times their annual earnings .
9 The money supply , measured by a broad definition , should only be allowed to increase at a stable and gradual rate , in line with the growth of the economy 's productive capacity .
10 It should only be tackled by fit walkers who know what they 're doing with a map and compass .
11 While accepting that wage cuts were theoretically advisable , Keynes at first argued that they should only be attempted as a last resort , after all other remedies had failed .
12 ‘ My position is that an embryo should only be created for insertion into a specified woman and should receive the maximum protection from the moment of its creation and no non-therapeutic research should be allowed , ’ he said .
13 Videotaped interviews should only be excluded if admitting them would be contrary to the interests of justice .
14 He also urged speed and independence and said there should only be administrative contact between inspectors and DTI officials during an investigation .
15 The House of Lords held that it did not : since the essence of dangerous driving was negligence , a driver should only be convicted of manslaughter if his driving was so bad as to amount to the gross negligence required under the third head of involuntary manslaughter ( see below ) .
16 Thus , even where a sexual assault involves no significant physical force , it constitutes harm in the sense that it invades a deeply personal zone , gaining non-consensually that which should only be shared consensually .
17 Referring to dual seats , the HSE has long advocated that tractor cabs should only be occupied by one person .
18 Some of the items are fine as they are but are not given unconditional approval because they should only be eaten in moderation .
19 Paisley has gone on record time after time to condemn the assassination of Catholics and has insisted that the potential violence represented by the old Protestant Volunteers and more recently by the Third Force should only be exercised in a defensive manner and in the event of a complete breakdown of law and order .
20 As it is the ratepayer who funds and owns Council facilities , the DUP believes that any change to Sunday opening of Council provisions should only be undertaken following the test of the electorate 's opinion in a local poll held for that purpose in the district of the council .
21 In America in particular lawyers were accepting protests from stars who claimed their image was ‘ intellectual property ’ which should only be reproduced with their permission .
22 But it should only be for a matter of months . ’
23 From an overall policy point of view , assistance should only be provided to communities or municipalities which present an integrated rural development plan conforming to specific economic , social and ecological criteria .
24 They should only be established when it is clear that they can function effectively in a given situation .
25 The final point to be made is that in Re G ( a minor ) 1988 ( A11 FR p. 7(15) the House of Lords upheld the argument that adoption orders can be made with access but that these should only be made in exceptional circumstances although a distinction may be drawn between the position of birth parents and other relatives .
26 When fitting 8 spokes all the load is on the studs as it is with RR wheels and should only be used with the larger studs .
27 Soya based formulas should only be used with medical advice when a baby is known to be allergic to cow 's milk formula , as soya protein is just as allergenic as cow 's milk .
28 They should only be used as a starting point for normal contrast subjects .
29 Products thus described should only be used if specifically formulated for food industry use .
30 Similarly , repairs and maintenance should only be carried out by a specialist mastic asphalt contractor .
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