Example sentences of "should make the " in BNC.

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1 Which spouse should make the Gift Aid payment ?
2 If you do not pay income tax but your spouse does , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment .
3 Similarly , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment in order to obtain the higher rate relief .
4 Keeping the rudder still and pulling right back on the stick sharply as the stall occurs , should make the wing drop .
5 If an inexperienced pilot finds himself in a situation where a field landing seems necessary , he should make the decision to choose a field and plan the landing properly , while there is height and time to spare .
6 It should acknowledge that there are conflicts between critical approaches , and should make the students ' confrontation of them part of the pedagogic process .
7 In order , therefore , to avoid inheritance tax , the settlor should make the settlement seven years before his death , and the settlement should be designed to benefit the beneficiaries without giving limited interests to them .
8 This last point should make the Masters less forbidding in terms of achieving victory , for the field assembled is far smaller than that which gathers every week on the US Tour .
9 PENNY HASSET * , who showed marked improvement when encountering heavy ground for the first time at Wolverhampton recently , should make the most of similar conditions on her return to the course for today 's Daffodil Handicap ( 5.0 ) .
10 The Report says that ‘ If , as we believe , society wants teachers to have effective authority over pupils , it should make the basis and nature of that authority clear in statute ’ .
11 The hands of a human should make the puppy feel warm and reassured .
12 While you are dressing him , you should make the patient aware of what you are doing by naming each garment as you put it on , and showing him that it is the right way round .
13 Firstly , we should make the point that crime does not have to be intentional .
14 Such a policy should make the school more self-aware , responsive and adaptable .
15 But if the School Development Plan has been carefully constructed , it should make the process easier .
16 Committees for four subject groups will sift the applications and suggest short lists to the Royal Society 's Council , which should make the final decisions in May or June .
17 The best medical advice is that only a qualified medical person should make the check .
18 She bumped into Cal coming out of the kitchen and they started arguing over who should make the tea .
19 We should make the point that the violence we have seen on film ( from films refused a certificate , or cut before the film could be certified ) far exceeds in nastiness anything likely to be seen on television .
20 In short , it means that it becomes possible to impose almost any character you want on it , which should make the Standard a session player 's dream .
21 When your voice is ‘ forward ’ , this should make the lips vibrate and cause a tingling sensation .
22 This should make the model start to move in the direction which it is pointing or stop the rotation .
23 YOU should make the most of this year because when Saturn lands in your opposite sign next year , you want to be in as strong a position as possible .
24 BRICKS AND MORTGAGES Homebuyers should make the most of their freedom to tailor a mortgage to suit their needs
25 Either way you should make the normal credit enquiries to assure yourself you are dealing with someone or some business of substance .
26 Announcing a change in policy , Idris Wakil said that from now on what ordinary people did should make the news .
27 At this point Fleischmann decided that as the whole thing was going ahead , then he should make the best of it and then get away for home in England immediately .
28 THE failure of Eldorado should make the government rethink the TV licensing system .
29 I should make the dining-room before the Night Superintendent , providing , as Gwenellen had advised , I escaped Home Sister .
30 If it were to happen in a few year 's time when we have the lottery money , then I think the Sutherland Collection Collection is something that anybody concerned with heritage should make the highest possible priority .
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