Example sentences of "should [vb infin] some " in BNC.

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1 Under pressure to clear up the confusion surrounding the direction of its Distributed Management Environment , Open Software Foundation DME technology manager Kathryn De Nitto says the group will make a statement within two weeks which should answer some of the questions on many lips .
2 Under pressure to clear up the confusion surrounding the direction of its Distributed Management Environment , Open Software Foundation DME technology manager Kathryn De Nitto says the group will make a statement within two weeks which should answer some of the questions on many lips .
3 10 For periods of absence , the teacher should make some provision for informing the substitute teacher where lesson plans , etc are kept .
4 She was insistent in case there should be a separation that he should make some form of , of proper financial arrangement for them , a legally binding agreement .
5 You should make some pies out of it or something .
6 It should make some effort to understand .
7 erm we decided from the start that erm the mums who have their kids in the creche should make some contribution towards the costs ; we 're providing them with a benefit erm but the company picks up the major part of the bill erm but in terms of the output from the additional sewing machinists that we 've got , it 's very , very cost-effective , yes .
8 Getting this ingredient off the drawing boards and into bricks and mortar — not to mention details such as Donald Duck doorknobs — was indeed the stuff of dreams for Stern , who has always stood up for emotional content : ‘ In my view , whether you are engaged in a theme park , a hospital , or a court house , the building should elicit some excitement . ’
9 Tom , when he woke later had insisted that they should absorb some culture , had chivvied them both into his car and driven them first to the Villa Lante .
10 In theory at least , a more open defence market should expose some of these hidden costs .
11 Ideally , we should build some flexibility into the Library 's financial management systems to cope with changes , but at present we are so tightly constrained by cost factors that we have no room for manoeuvre .
12 the sums in the premiums trust fund , it 's a very simple answer my Lord to notify now in the same way the commission suggested that they should notify some ten years ago
13 Because if you should think some now in the next five or ten minutes , and then if during the next week you meet in the week sometime
14 Some would be quite funny I should think some of the comments we 're making !
15 My yesterday and said that well my cousin said they 've got ta pay twenty pounds but my friend said there is a those who could n't pay I du n no whether it 'll do any good but I should think some of them
16 So it was to be expected that this sight should arouse some curiosity , and after putting their heads together the women put down their bowls and kettles and went over to ask the painter who was coming to live there .
17 He should win some more good races .
18 I should buy some flowers , really .
19 I should buy some bulbs and ge , oh look at the pretty reeds .
20 The range should include some works that make demands on the reader in terms of content or length or organisation or language .
21 The range should include some works that make demands on the reader in terms of content or length or organisation or language .
22 The range should include some works that make demands on the reader in terms of content or length or organisation or language .
23 16.34 The texts used should include some of the following : guide books , consumer reports , text books , sets of instructions and manuals , stage directions , brochures , forms , contracts , information leaflets from a variety of sources , the highway code , publicity materials , newspapers and magazines , dictionaries , thesauruses , atlases , and encyclopaedias .
24 Suggestions should include some idea of the creature involved .
25 Such training should include some focus on consultation , participation and decision-making .
26 This may act entirely independently or as a pre-filter to reverse-flow or trickle system , in which case the packing should include some filter floss just before the water return .
27 Growing ecumenical co-operation and an increasingly common repertoire demand that any survey of church music today should include some reference to the music used in the worship of traditions other than that of the Church of England .
28 However , the final summary should include some if not all of the following : the provision of information that is useful in terms of meeting the needs of users , presented in a timely manner and in a format that is appropriate and understandable .
29 This employment should include some experience at supervisory level .
30 Organised by the Musician 's Institute of London to raise funds for the most deserving student , the line-up so far includes Frank Gambale , Phil Hilborne , Geoff Whitehorn , Lawrence Cottle , Jim Mullen , Mo Foster , Keith More , Tony Muschamp and Neal Wilkinson , which should guarantee some significant musical action .
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