Example sentences of "any [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All these ornaments any ornaments for Christmas like you know
2 but erm , I , I thought it was both yours and Mr contention that through the doctoring of extensible authority and by , because of that doctoring your clients are not alleging that any contracts of insurance or re-insurance simply made on their behalf is unenforceable
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if there are currently any contracts with the Atomic Energy Authority for research into the fabrication of weapons components using plutonium ; and whether any such work has been carried out at Harwell .
4 A meeting of staff agreed to a concordat under which the unions will suspend industrial action and the management agrees not to terminate any contracts during the talks .
5 I think it is naive of anyone to think that there are any clubs in the Irish League , who are completely free of sectarian elements in their support .
6 There might be any roads to socialism but the Labour Party was not one of them .
7 All this must have taken shape before there were any houses on the scene .
8 Were there any houses about ?
9 Were there any houses about ?
10 Industrial base cut so close to the bone the marrow 's leaking out , the old vaguely socialist inefficiencies replaced with more rabid capitalist ones , power centralised , corruption institutionalised , and a generation created which 'll never have any skills beyond opening a car with a coat hanger and knowing which solvents give you the best buzz with a plastic bag over your head before you throw up or pass out . ’
11 The equivalent level of ignorance in another subject might be not to know the name of Shakespeare or anything at all about evolution or to have any skills of basic measuring or to know that Asia is a continent .
12 ‘ Have you had any reactions to this morning 's turn of events ? ’
13 Why on earth should cats have any reactions at all to something as sophisticated as human music ?
14 Do you have any reactions like that ?
15 Any opponents of the policing strategy ( e.g. pro-NUM police committees ) were dismissed as partisan .
16 Having educated our clients in relation to the psychology and physiology of anxiety , the next step is to help them break any patterns of avoidance that may have become established .
17 It is only then that schools can explore whether there are any patterns to pupils ' absence .
18 Could they describe any patterns in these numbers ?
19 Various other costs such as administration , legal accountancy fees , as well as paying off any debts of the individual band members , could all amount to a further £20,000 .
20 THE £116m settlement won by litigating members of the Outhwaite syndicates at Lloyd 's will be paid to the agents of the 817 members and any debts for losses of other syndicates will be deducted before any cash is fowarded to individuals , David Coleridge , chairman of Lloyd 's emphasised yesterday .
21 ‘ I hope some of these names mean something to you ; they do n't ring any bells with me . ’
22 I do n't know whether , whether it sort of erm rang any bells with you but normally if you 're in a house people do n't offer you dri they usually say would you like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and I just wondered , perhaps it 's my suspicious nature , whether this guy 's got a drink problem
23 ( In case you are wondering about the arithmetic , 19 per cent do n't have any preferences at all ! )
24 Anybody got any preferences for dinner tonight ?
25 Do you still have any vacancies for chambermaids ? …
26 Any vacancies on the committee , they co-opt somebody new — someone like themselves of course .
27 The spate of recent company failures has yielded a glut of unemployed jet-qualified pilots , so any vacancies among the major airlines caused by natural wastage or — as in Virgin 's case — limited expansion are very soon filled .
28 ‘ I wanted to be nearer home and there were n't any vacancies in the local hospitals at that particular time .
29 Forget any invertebrates for the time being .
30 Mr Sproat was not , he insisted , against the scheme from any reasons of philistinism , ‘ but I do not think this is the best way to encourage authors .
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