Example sentences of "also as a " in BNC.

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1 It celebrates creativity amid doubt and despondency — creativity as energy but also as a duty , work to be done by man as it is the sun 's task to shine .
2 The lines quoted , for instance , lead directly into a portrait of Alessandro de Medici as a personification of abuleia , with more than one indication that it will serve also as a portrait of Henry James :
3 Libertarians want a drastic reduction in the interventions of the state , not only in the economy but also as a social regulator , so that opportunities for both personal choice and the free-market economy are maximized .
4 Parties adopt or disavow policies not only to win forthcoming elections but also as a response to past electoral outcomes .
5 Norman Davis will be remembered by many with affection not only as a very great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend .
6 They saw him also as a trail-blazer , someone who goes ahead of others and prepares the way .
7 The thesaurus functions not only as a retrieval aid , but also as a reference facility .
8 Transition curves were temporarily eliminated from the pure geometric shapes of the twentieth century : in part , as a reaction to Art Nouveau but also as a means of getting a firm grip upon design .
9 This cultural expression is used both as a safety-value of light , communal entertainment in situations which might otherwise be tense , boring and/or tedious , and also as a tool of protest in itself with which to unify and cement the groups ' sense of identity and purpose .
10 The role of Highlander in this project so far had not just been as a catalyst , nor a co-ordinating agency for the network — though this in itself is a vital role — but also as a meeting place for the widely scattered groups which came to the Center to hold regular training workshops .
11 The range of provisions mentioned includes individual counselling , social groupwork , social skills training , also as a condition of supervision orders to juvenile probation officers , intensive family support projects and foster care with a pedagogical orientation .
12 George attempted a nearly honest living as a part-time thespian , and also as a tutor to the children of wealthy clients .
13 Questions of genre , of the organization of repetition and difference , seem fundamental to television , not only as an institution and a discourse , but also as a form of subjectivity .
14 Not only because of its fine rivers , lochs and deer forests , but also as a centre of excellence for that other favourite Scottish pastime , golf .
15 In our conversation , John Eudes emerged not only as a listener but also as a guide , not only as a counsellor but also as a director .
16 In our conversation , John Eudes emerged not only as a listener but also as a guide , not only as a counsellor but also as a director .
17 Its coat is light brown-red , fawn or yellowish , with no white and , like other upland breeds , it was originally used also as a draught animal .
18 The diglyceride may be important in promoting membrane fusion of the dense body granule with the platelet-surface membrane and also as a substrate for the formation of prostaglandin endoperoxides and thromboxane A 2 which are powerful degranulation stimuli ( Bell et al , 1979 ) .
19 The computer power that even the smallest practice can now afford means that there is no excuse for the well-organised firm not to be making use of this opportunity not only for operating efficiency but also as a tool of competition .
20 Artists such as Jill Smith and Bruce Lacey have developed the idea of performance at sacred sites both as an artistic expression and also as a form of ritual whereby the artist may be inspired to receive insights into the original purposes behind sacred sites .
21 But they forget that flowers are sent not only as a mark of respect for the dead , but also as a gesture of sympathy to the living , suffering widow , to bring some of the hopeful beauty of nature to soften the bleakness of one of the saddest days of her life , and to show her how much the one she loved was also loved by others .
22 ‘ We grew up a little bit as people , but also as a band .
23 Between the Cuckmere valley and the kingdom of Kent settled a group whose identity remained fairly coherent until the days of the Norman conquest but of whose political influence we know but little ; these Haestingas seem to have come within the South Saxon ambit but served also as a buffer in the continued kingly wars of the early centuries .
24 Similarly do occurs as a lexical verb but also as a purely grammatical element whose function is to carry tense and negation for the lexical verb .
25 In addition , the Rover link would bring BAe into contact with Honda , a link which was welcomed by BAe , both in terms of potential collaboration in manufacturing and also as a means of facilitating sales in the Far East .
26 It was intended that these measures should provide the tenant with a defence against the unscrupulous landlord , both in terms of protection against unfair eviction and also as a guarantee of ‘ fair ’ rents , especially for those on low incomes .
27 The three-litre is available only as an automatic , the two-litre also as a five-speed manual .
28 She observes , for example , that gender may affect language use in a given situation not just as a property of the speaker but also as a characteristic of the addressee ; the determining factor might be who is being spoken to rather than who is speaking .
29 Also as a safety measure , modern radios and circuit breakers were installed in the cockpit .
30 Brough , who has won as many awards as he rode winners in his national hunt career , writes so delightfully because he cares , because he sees sport as a writer and also as a fan .
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