Example sentences of "also that it " in BNC.

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1 They note that relocation and reorganisation programmes are expected to improve the service and also that it is the intention to provide training and advice to staff on dealing properly with customers .
2 That we are dealing with a privileged élite goes without saying ; as also that it depended on the institution of domestic service .
3 He recognised that some understanding is given directly by God , but also that it has to be appropriated by human beings using their reason .
4 The strength of the DCAC was not simply that it had the backing of the existing leadership of anti-Unionist opinion in Derry , but also that it succeeded in attracting new people who had not previously been involved in any kind of political activity but who found unsuspected reservoirs of energy and initiative .
5 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
6 New Order were proving they could compete with the largely faceless and bland disco outpourings of the major corporations , and also that it was possible to channel their personal intensity through this format .
7 It is also that it has failed to regain the support of the working class — old and new — that it lost in 1979 .
8 Nevertheless the episode had shown the Government that it had no authority to ban newspapers published in Tanzania which were properly registered and also that it might have been in difficulty had it not discovered a technical irregularity in the case of Ulimwengu .
9 Mortal means both that the snake is mortal , will have a life and then die , and also that it is capable of dealing a mortal blow , of killing .
10 The men who inserted these phrases knew what they were doing , and they knew also that it was important not to overdo the subject of the primacy .
11 From the mid-1640s , the celebration of Christmas was forbidden , Puritans arguing both that the festival was pagan in origin and also that it gave licence to ‘ carnal and sensual delights ’ .
12 It is interesting that the statute states that Inspectors of Accidents will be appointed by the Secretary of State ; also that it will be the Chief Inspector , not the Secretary of State , who will decide whether or not an investigation is to be carried out .
13 She saw how bloodied it was , but she saw also that it was still essentially whole .
14 Not only does Mrs Whitehouse believe that Christianity is under threat from political revolution , but also that it is the last line of defence against such revolution .
15 Suppose also that it is somehow possible to place it in a space capsule in which it can survive , so far as can be seen , for ever , without any external aid .
16 He may think also that it has a basic appeal to human nature , which means most others will accept it too once their minds are cleared of confusion and superstition .
17 And note also that it clips on ; there 's no cable .
18 It also means that if difference in its sense of non-identity sets up the possibility of history , then difference in its sense of delay means also that it can never be finally concluded , for such deferral will always inhibit closure .
19 However , A. Alföldi has identified the head as that of Antoninus Pius and shown also that it did not belong to the club .
20 I was not only surprised to find they had plenty of timber for fence posts , but also that it cost far less than new wood .
21 So even if we agree that abolition was his intention and that that intention would have failed , if we consider also that it was mistaken anyway , we need pursue the point no further , except to add this : granted that the evil of insufficiently regulated competition is that it leads ultimately to the vicious exploitation of employees , the point can hardly be made of industrial co-operatives .
22 Like a ping-pong ball he bounced from one emotion to another , knowing what he wanted but knowing also that it did not exist .
23 On and on she heard herself ranting ( could it be that she heard echoes of her own past self , the speaking , ranting , resurrected ghost of that ephemeral figure Liz Lintot ? ) and heard his vague , evasive grunts and answers : yes , he said , he and Henrietta would marry as soon as possible , Henrietta wanted to go to New York with him , she 'd had a thin time herself lately , he needed her in New York , Henrietta had n't been well , needed to settle … and as Liz spoke and listened she was aware of a simultaneous conviction that this was the most shocking , the most painful hour of her entire life , and also that it was profoundly dull , profoundly trivial , profoundly irrelevant , a mere routine , devoid of truth , devoid of meaning : nothing .
24 Based on the shape of this receptive field , they then search for the stimulus that gives the best response from it , and in Figure 7 you see that one particular cell responded best to movement of a bar oriented at a particular angle , and also that it only responded when this bar moved in one direction .
25 The examination by Mr. Griffith-Jones 's sub-sub-committee , mentioned in paragraph 3 , showed also that it would be difficult to frame an indictment charging theft by false pretences .
26 However , it made clear that it tried to keep the duration of such layoffs to a minimum , and suggested also that it was its industrial , not its secretarial/office staff , who were most likely to be affected by them ( interview with Manpower ) .
27 The graphs show that the feedforward net 's output was less close to the ( new ) ideal output , and also that it varied quite a lot .
28 Since control means some infringement of individual liberty , great care has to be taken to ensure that the control is not abused , and also that it does not clash with the other needs for care and treatment .
29 Well the the situation is also that it 's confusing in terms of Apex , Supersavers , Savers , Nonsavers er you ca n't travel on these trains at certain times , you 've got to plan your journey three months ahead if you want to get the maximum savings and all the rest of it .
30 She knew also that it would not clear until she could recover her tears .
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