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1 Into this arena then a book like Petch 's comes as a tremendous boost to the debate , in that not only does it provide an excellent summary of this area of community care policy ( including Scottish policy ) , but it also goes into the microcosms of eleven supported accommodation projects and looks at how such policy works in practice .
2 Two other ministers had already resigned since January , apparently also to go into opposition : Mohammed Djama Elabe , Minister of Health and Souleiman Farah Lodon , Minister of Public Adminstration .
3 Bridgefield , Connecticut-based Bristol Technology Inc has its $5,000 HyperHelp 3.0 in beta test and expects to make it commercially available in May : it adds character-based help for terminals , secondary windows , segmented bit maps , history path and support for Windows 3.1 help ; Bristol 's SBML Easy ! , the HyperHelp Standard Generalised Markup Language , is also going into beta test , with the general release expected in June .
4 Because , if the supposedly traditional habit of respect for the law was not much in evidence here , then frequent headlines such as ‘ Boot 'em ’ at Waterloo ’ , ‘ They Play Football with a Man ’ and ‘ Kick a Man like a Football ’ serve to remind us that the English ‘ fair play ’ tradition of fighting with the fists — and not with the feet — had also gone into eclipse .
5 In his refreshing book Mr Veseth looks at Victorian Britain , which improved on Florence 's commercial ideas , particularly public debt , and also went into decline ; and at present-day America , which is deeply in debt but might , he argues , avoid decline if it takes brave decisions .
6 Quite apart from the work which went into recording on the main islands of the Outer Hebrides , a great deal of effort also went into visiting the less accessible islands and outliers .
7 Hortense and her sons also went into exile , for all the Bonapartes were banished from France in perpetuity , by a decree of Louis XVIII , and as a result of the hostility of the major European States Hortense had great difficulty in finding some corner of Europe where she could set up home .
8 Simpson , booked for the challenge that sparked this flare-up , was the victim of a nasty challenge by Gareth Hall a minute later — and Hall also went into referee Keith Hackett 's book .
9 One motor sledge also went into the sea .
10 During 1822 he also went into business as a retail goldsmith and jeweller in Bond Street with John Mortimer ( died 1871 ) .
11 The Radicals also went into opposition and the Radical Socialists were split three ways ; left , right , and centre .
12 So , so that 's been a great improvement I think , erm in recent years and , and in the erm early seventies we , we also went into the business of providing equipment that could be left at rescues , on site , you know it was always tying up a fire engine by taking it there and , and being tied up so we provided these things which we call demountable equipment , which we commonly call the pods and erm
13 Perhaps the Minister could also go into a little more detail about the criteria that are being used when making his decisions .
14 But the process could also go into reverse if key aspects of the environment such as relative regulatory burdens deteriorate ( see section 5.3 ) .
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