Example sentences of "people [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For as long as ordinary people remain on the Island , this pub will not change .
2 Opus declined to say how many people remain with the company or how many boxes it actually put in the field .
3 This was a vital necessity , otherwise the nation would remain backward , introverted and its people remain in a state of psychological subjugation .
4 How long do older people remain in hospital ?
5 In pressure-group politics the struggle for civil rights is controlled by the active few , while the mass of disabled people remain in their traditional passive relationship to others .
6 When they reach retirement age , most people qualify for the basic pension , which is normally uprated once a year to keep in line with price rises .
7 Changes in contribution conditions mean that higher paid people qualify for benefits faster than lower paid people and this especially affects women who make up the majority of low-paid workers .
8 Lots of people qualify for help with their Council Tax whether it 's exemptions , discounts or rebates .
9 Ergonomics can not be simply the adaptation of technology to suit invariant properties of ‘ man ’ , people change with technology .
10 Some people change for the better .
11 Hundreds of people sit at cafés on the pavement on either side of the road enjoying the sights .
12 This suggests that you should sit at arms length from your monitor and should n't site desks so that people sit near the back of monitors .
13 ‘ How many people sit in a theatre ?
14 Against this background of craters and devastated buildings people sit in the sun at cafes open again for a town which has nothing else to do but drink coffee and wait for the future .
15 These people account for 25.3 per cent of all spending on clothing and footwear , 21.6 per cent on household goods and 31.3 per cent on leisure .
16 When I explain that I read books for a living , people launch into a frenzy of apologetic explanation : ‘ I do n't have the time ! ’ ;
17 This chapter pursues our general theme of exploring locales and localities as the context of interaction between people and the understandings people gain through such interaction .
18 Thus older people predominate among long-term claimants : 75 per cent of people aged 60 and over have been receiving Income Support for three years or more , compared with 40 per cent of those under 60 ; elderly people comprise 60 per cent of those receiving this benefit for five years or more .
19 Our menu at McDonald 's offers meat , eggs , fish , bread , dairy products and potatoes — the kind of good , nutritious food most people eat at home .
20 However , by far the majority of slim people eat in a relatively relaxed , rather haphazard style that is not governed by special rules .
21 So after you 've finished training , you 're going down to the library , yes , to look up the names of the people luve in Street , and once you 've been on that appointment you 've got to go back to the branch and you 're gon na do your mail shots whatever you 're gon na do , put it in there .
22 It is when they become ‘ over-drivers ’ that problems occur : people concentrate on ‘ being perfect ’ to the exclusion of what actually needs to be done .
23 Consequently , people concentrate on how they do things not on the end results .
24 What do people mean by this ?
25 What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel : ‘ The fathers eat sour grapes , and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ ?
26 We can begin with the crucial , if rather obvious , point that understanding what people mean by what they say is not the same as understanding the linguistic expressions they use in saying it .
27 To start with , it 's not at all clear these days what people mean by it , or even whether it exists any longer .
28 What people mean by their actions depends on what ideas inform their thinking .
29 As we shall show later , what people mean by their actions depends on what expectations they have about the actions of others .
30 Erm well I mean I think there 's some very fundamental issues in all this in , in the communication spectrum first of all using the phrase back to basics , what do people mean by that and that 's where the , they , they have gone wrong because the problem is that here we are , four people round this table and I 'm sure if all of us were asked what do we mean by getting back to basics , we 'll come out with a totally different you know set of things that meanings .
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