Example sentences of "people [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 JACK Dee had tried for a while to make people laugh with a totally put-on chirpy delivery .
2 I suppose he did a great service by making people laugh with those outrageous characters rather than at them . ’
3 Think how often , say in a meeting or discussion , you have a point of view that you want to persuade other people to agree with or adopt .
4 And again it helps if one can get a group of other people to agree with you .
5 I do n't expect most people to agree with these figures .
6 He felt that public relations was the engineering of human consent — getting people to agree to an idea , product , concept or what have you .
7 Depending , as Dufferin had so clearly perceived , for their ability to govern on the collaboration of a vast class of petty native fonctionnaires , and the political apathy of an even vaster class of ignorant peasants , they could in no way afford to see these people aroused to insubordination , even of an ostensibly peaceful kind .
8 People aroused by the possibilities of social power will seek it more consistently than those who are not aroused by power .
9 For as long as ordinary people remain on the Island , this pub will not change .
10 Opus declined to say how many people remain with the company or how many boxes it actually put in the field .
11 This was a vital necessity , otherwise the nation would remain backward , introverted and its people remain in a state of psychological subjugation .
12 How long do older people remain in hospital ?
13 In pressure-group politics the struggle for civil rights is controlled by the active few , while the mass of disabled people remain in their traditional passive relationship to others .
14 When they reach retirement age , most people qualify for the basic pension , which is normally uprated once a year to keep in line with price rises .
15 Changes in contribution conditions mean that higher paid people qualify for benefits faster than lower paid people and this especially affects women who make up the majority of low-paid workers .
16 Lots of people qualify for help with their Council Tax whether it 's exemptions , discounts or rebates .
17 Ergonomics can not be simply the adaptation of technology to suit invariant properties of ‘ man ’ , people change with technology .
18 Some people change for the better .
19 Hundreds of people sit at cafés on the pavement on either side of the road enjoying the sights .
20 This suggests that you should sit at arms length from your monitor and should n't site desks so that people sit near the back of monitors .
21 ‘ How many people sit in a theatre ?
22 Against this background of craters and devastated buildings people sit in the sun at cafes open again for a town which has nothing else to do but drink coffee and wait for the future .
23 Why do many people stay on the farms , with the result that this migration has been less than normal for the UK ?
24 Help people stay in their own homes through better availability of equipment and services .
25 These people account for 25.3 per cent of all spending on clothing and footwear , 21.6 per cent on household goods and 31.3 per cent on leisure .
26 Let me put this to Geoffrey Hoskin , Professor Hoskin we 've heard of a people ruled by Tsars and then by , is there going to be any thing but anarchy now ?
27 And the British Tourist Authority expects figures to rise as our recent warm summers , the effects of the recession and the threat of airport delays encourage more and more people to holiday at home rather than abroad .
28 This would include partners as well as people diagnosed as HIV positive .
29 The policy should detail approved cleansing and disinfectant products , methods for cleaning and give references to pertinent expert advisory documents , such as those on the care of people diagnosed with hepatitis B or HIV infection ( HMSO , 1990 ) .
30 The health authorities declared a fresh state of " red alert " on Dec. 28 when further cases of cholera were discovered in three northern provinces bordering Bolivia and Paraguay , although it was reported that none of the 44 people diagnosed in the space of five days had died [ for outbreak in early 1992 see p. 38761 ] .
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