Example sentences of "people [be] [being] " in BNC.

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1 Two people are being treated in hospital .
2 Nigel Watson , chairman of the housing forum , said : ‘ The survey confirms our fears that there is a problem and it is one which is getting worse as more young people are being forced to leave the dale . ’
3 The forest-dwelling people are being murdered , terrorised , infected with diseases and driven from their territories as the forests are being destroyed .
4 People are being made aware of their culture by artists like Public Enemy .
5 Old people are often a source of fascinating information and opinion about the past that young people are being taught as history !
6 Despite a rising demand for operations , the latest analysis of the waiting list shows that more people are being treated and at a faster rate than ever before .
7 ‘ Perhaps people are being nave , ’ says Simon Muggleton , ‘ but these guys have the patter and the manners and they can be very convincing .
8 Once more , the Arab people are being dealt with like ‘ uncontrollable children ’ with a dangerous weapon ; the weapon being the military machinery the West was previously happy to supply as long as Western interests were protected .
9 Since this Act came into effect , deportations have increased threefold to a rate where over 300 Black people are being deported every month .
10 If the local people are being manipulated by others for their gain then of course the situation is different .
11 As more and more people are being discharged early from hospital , pressure increases on community nursing services .
12 The downstream area , where people are being resettled , has problems enough without the additional burden of silt .
13 People are being discouraged to leave the building , ’ said Montgomery .
14 The premium on organic food really is quite steep , and in a recession people are being much more careful .
15 What is new is that lay people are being given ministerial training .
16 However , the fact that people are being charged a rate that fairly reflects the lender 's costs does not necessarily mean that this type of credit is a good buy for them .
17 After four years of unusually low rainfall , most UK water reserves are low , and many areas have hosepipe and sprinkler restrictions in force , whilst in other areas , people are being asked to be sensible with water , and not to waste it .
18 In only the last two years I 've noticed that more people are being drawn to the hills in Northern Ireland .
19 The 25-year-old rock star , who says people are being murdered in the name of God , adds : ‘ People in control of the world are evil and perpetuating evil .
20 We 've said it before , we 'll say it again ; playing with right-wing nationalism at a time when refugees area being murdered in Germany , when people are being put in camps and ‘ ethnically cleansed ’ in Serbia , and when people here are being attacked for being black is stupid and dangerous .
21 NACRO has also found that about eight out of ten young people are being fined .
22 Hundreds of thousands of elderly people are being abused in their own homes — physically and emotionally neglected ; sexually abused ; and financially abused .
23 She 's grown up in an atmosphere of decadence and disgustingness where her mother 's with her uncle and her uncle 's this lech , and people are being beheaded and crucified and tortured and murdered all around her . ’
24 A lot of the times what is really happening is that people are being put into artificial jobs .
25 Some of them are people that erm that I 've generally had contact with , in terms of starting to talk to people about it erm , other people are being kind of , what 's the word , optimistic , with the truth Likes And The Brides for example , erm
26 ‘ Thomas , in Europe millions of people are being killed .
27 It may not be possible in every case where there is considerable pressure on those preparing the cases , when time is short , for there to be psychiatric evidence called , but I think in these cases where almost invariably disturbed young people are being discussed , an effort should be made to obtain psychiatric evidence .
28 Again , this lack of information indicates a lack of concern about whether the housing needs of disabled people are being met .
29 Although the average age of choirs is high , younger people are being attracted to music groups and some simple music of good quality is emerging .
30 Much quality music is being lost and many people are being alienated as a result .
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