Example sentences of "these few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Moderator it 's hard within the space of these few minutes to give a sense of the breadth of the Board 's work .
2 I was glad of these few minutes alone with Eric .
3 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
4 Maybe someone else would like the look of these few chapters .
5 ‘ Nearly … just these few carnations . ’
6 For the merest instant , some final , irreducible unit of desire , he had glimpsed a feeling , an urge within himself he had not imagined himself capable of , but now this tiny , standard piece of information , these few letters , had switched his hopes off like some cheap light bulb .
7 Industries dominated by very few giant firms may be ferociously competitive ; these few firms may invest at very high rates , as in Japan .
8 Even these few quotations show that the notion of the ‘ map ’ or ‘ structure ’ of a subject is by no means straightforward , and involves not only the theoretical or conceptual unities which are referred to in the literature on the nature of disciplines ( OECD 1972 ) , but the approach , emphasis and even methods of teaching .
9 What happened to them when they got to the other end I have never dared to ask , but perhaps these few illustrations ( pages 82–83 ) will convince you that Doc Winfield actually sat in this contraption and was hooked from a completely static position by an aircraft into the air and probably ( and I never found out ) delivered to some hospital none the worse for the experiment .
10 A few pages would not suffice to describe an idea that he required a thousand pages of his Life Divine to illumine ; my purpose in giving these few passages is to point in one of the directions that the creative mind can travel to find other worlds of serene delight and magnificence .
11 It was almost worth all that agony to have these few moments of companionship .
12 I wore my dark glasses even for these few moments , as my blue eyes were always straining in the brilliant light .
13 As I watch , I am quickening to the single thought that this man , for these few moments , is probably running faster than any other man one earth .
14 The rest of his discussion in these few pages is about how all sorts of possible answers could be proposed , involving the ‘ balancing of social values ’ .
15 Scientific interests have been chosen for these few pages of examples because of the tendency in some quarters to assume that resource-based learning is a Humanities or Social Studies prerogative .
16 These few pages can not do justice to the array of benefits which a partnership with AEA could bring .
17 If they have n't dug anything out , what do you think I can do by myself in these few hours ? ’
18 The Old Testament may give these few hints of a Creator Spirit , and certainly this thought is found in the intertestamental period — where the parallelism between Wisdom , Word and Spirit is important — but the paucity of instances that can be adduced , and the plausibility of taking them in another sense , does make one very cautious of building up a great doctrine of co-operating with the Holy Spirit in his on-going work of creation .
19 Highlighting these few bureaux may give the misleading impression that they are out of line with the mainstream .
20 Despite these few tombstones , the main cemeteries of Corbridge are not well attested .
21 Clearly , though , despite these few shortcomings , the warning display is a useful one .
22 It is surprising how much of these few lines finds an echo in The Silmarillion .
23 Sample these few lines from ‘ Destroy Protect And Survive ’ : ‘ We train young men to drop fire from above/Yet their commanding officers wo n't let them write ‘ f— ’ on the side of their aircraft/Because it 's obscene . ’
24 These few lines , written probably in the 450s , illustrate how much of Sicily 's wealth was in private ownership and how much was expected of its possessors .
25 Findings from these few studies provide tentative support for the conclusion that there is no inevitable drift towards conservative social and political attitudes with ageing , nor is ageing necessarily associated with attitudinal rigidity or inflexibility . ’
26 These few examples show the constancy of a principle which defines police reality across time and space .
27 I will expand on this dichotomy between the clean and the polluted in the next chapter when I detail the ethnography of being a ‘ real polis ’ ; however , these few examples indicate the cultural preference and the conceptual challenge which our appearance must have presented as we embraced aspects of the bodily style of our ‘ counter-cultural ’ antagonists .
28 Horses can convey considerably more verbal messages than these few examples would imply .
29 From these few examples , it was obvious that the theoretical principles related to the spread of infection were not always put into practice .
30 These few examples are enough to show that the low realization was then more widespread than today : wren and desk do not satisfy the voiceless stop or sonorant + voiceless stop condition in monosyllables , and are now categorical [ Ε : ] or [ Ε ? ] environments .
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