Example sentences of "only a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The small firm needling the big multinational may be only a nuisance for the time being , but if it latches on to a new and successful technology and makes all the right first-mover investments it may be tomorrow 's market leader .
2 ‘ They are only a nuisance , they have only inconvenienced you , ’ said Marcelle , ‘ and the letter will tell them very little . ’
3 Flora was only a nuisance , stopping after seconds of weeding to write her name in pebbles on the lawn ( all ready for the tender teeth of the mower blades ) or float daisy heads in a puddle , and Peter was never so galvanized by holy necessity calling from the far side of the parish as when the garden was mentioned .
4 This argument has its attractions , and I note by way of analogy with the statutory authority cases that it is only a nuisance inevitably resulting from the authorised works on which immunity is conferred .
5 A computer is a wonderfully useful tool but it will be only a nuisance to your wife if all the language data is locked up on disks and she has nothing to look at in a spare five minutes .
6 They 'd been in it only a year , but Mrs Yardley had lavished as much effort on it as she had on her beautiful cake .
7 They were step-brothers , Sir Henry and our Mr Merrivale , with only a year or two 's difference in their ages . ’
8 InterCity turned in its first profit in 1988–9 , only a year after transitional support was withdrawn .
9 HAVING disposed of their pubs and disco estate in Scotland to Scottish & Newcastle Breweries , Stakis are now looking to sell off the 14-strong Firkin pub chain bought from European Leisure only a year ago .
10 Only a year earlier he had performed his last hat-trick .
11 And finally , only a year or so later , turned them out of house and home — put them on the street , as women who failed to be properly grateful to the fathers had been put for centuries .
12 Any cuts would be on top of production line redundancies and would come only a year after GM finished cutbacks which slashed its white-collar staff by 40,000 to 140,000 worldwide .
13 New York 's mayor , David Dinkins , has been in office for only a year , so is obviously not responsible for these decades of neglect .
14 Costain is also expected to take a pick-axe to its dividend , only a year after its £77 million rights issue .
15 As the Cuban revolution was dedicated to reducing inequalities of all kinds , it was only a year before the Federation of Cuban Women ( FMC ) was set up to tackle the problems facing women .
16 Long afterwards , in fact only a year or so before his death , at a party after the London premiere of his ballet Poème de l'Extase , John sat up until about four in the morning , in a mood of black melancholy , talking to his friend Peter Rosenwald about the misery of a homosexual life .
17 To his second , favourite son Alfonso , he gave the Kingdom of Leon and the Campos Goticos , together with the tributes from the Moorish kingdom of Toledo , whose overlord he had successfully beaten into submission only a year before .
18 I could neither remain unemployed for eighteen months nor begin a new job now and break off after only a year .
19 But it quickly closed , after only a year .
20 Only a year after the invention of balloons , a book was written describing a voyage , by balloon , to the newly discovered planet Uranus .
21 If I again mention Mason 's Lighthouses — in its way a score of not dissimilar scope and fascination , written only a year later by a composer a generation younger — it 's because a comparison ( which Collins Classics has now made possible ) of these two pieces helps to highlight the individual nature of Birtwistle 's achievement .
22 The daring magnitude of this conception has since been obscured by its almost routine enactment in a series of African countries in the 1960s , but it should never be forgotten that India was the test case , and that at the time success in the execution of such a plan seemed far from assured : only a year before Mountbatten 's appointment the then viceroy , Lord Wavell , had been pressing on the Cabinet his ‘ Breakdown Plan ’ , which consisted simply of the phased evacuation of the British from India without any serious attempt to ensure that a viable , much less friendly , government was installed in their place .
23 There was only a year between their ages and there had always been a close bond between them .
24 His parents are well-off farmers in Somerset , and although he went to the prestigious Ampleforth school , he spent only a year after taking his A levels at agricultural college before becoming a BMW car salesman .
25 While most practising firms are having no difficulty in retaining and recruiting staff in the midst of a recession , the situation was , of course , very different only a year or two ago and will probably change again just as rapidly .
26 Only a year earlier , Wilson himself had denounced the legislation which made it a member .
27 It lasted only a year ( although there was no divorce until 1957 ) and some time after that Peter Lawford made the mistake of meeting Ava , who 'd just returned from a trip overseas , for a drink in a Hollywood restaurant .
28 She left without a murmur although she had only a year and a half to go to complete her secondary education .
29 Only a year ago the pundits were shaking their heads and gloomily prophesying that the Democrats would never again provide a President .
30 Goulding is set to link up with his hometown club after only a year at Leeds after his £90,000 move from Wigan .
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