Example sentences of "these [noun pl] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 In these cases its best to use manual focus .
2 In these cases their blueprint continues to give stem warnings that excitement in the home is dangerous .
3 In each of these cases their task is to find out what life on Earth in the present day is really like .
4 In each of these cases my method will be to discuss the effects the phenomenon has upon public liability companies , then to make comparison with the other forms in which we are interested .
5 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
6 In both of these cases our body clock is wrongly timed for our life-style and so it does not cool us down and make us feel more fatigued in the hours just before bedtime .
7 These maps my soundings make .
8 For these reasons our test formula — x must not be greater than 2y — is here not wholly reliable .
9 These riddles your husband used , when did they begin ? ’
10 Ten of the subjects like the one above ) had unambiguous accounts of cold water in their dreams , and in these subjects their dream reports showed a very good correlation ( in terms of the time that the action in the dream would have taken since the cold water spray ) with the actual time elapsed .
11 In the light of these considerations their Lordships can not help viewing a statutory provision which criminalises statements likely to undermine public confidence in the conduct of public affairs with the utmost suspicion .
12 When he takes office , I 'll show these Indians their rights . ’
13 A significant feature is that for many of these companies their overseas activities are more important than their domestic ones .
14 After a succession of these experiences their capacity to cry at all may even dry up , along with the relationship between themselves and their partner .
15 At these , information was communicated , sometimes on a confidential basis , which enabled all of us to brief our committees , our local groups , and through these areas our membership , far better on Institute policy and matters .
16 In these lectures his purpose ‘ is to consider the moral function or object served by law , or by the system of rights and obligations which the state enforces ’ .
17 Methought these Limbs your silken Favours found ,
18 Although VOR , operating on the VHF band , is relatively free of these errors its reception distance is limited to line of sight .
19 Erm and then once they 've organized themselves into these associations their first er job should be , or was perhaps , I 'm not he 's talking about what has actually happened I suppose
20 If we deny these chaps their rights as union members , they 'll leave it , they 'll leave , I would n't blame them .
21 In these circumstances their Lordships consider that the Court of Appeal was right to decline jurisdiction .
22 In these circumstances our concerns are not that community care changes are a step too far , but that they will not go far enough to produce radical change .
23 Their function is to supply realism or local colour , and for these purposes their use is perfectly legitimate .
24 Largely missing from de Gaulle 's account were the dilemmas , ambiguities , illusions , deceptions , and self-deceptions that gave these years their poignancy .
25 For each of these years our members have enjoyed the good value offered by Homecover in price and cover .
26 Even after all these years my English is not so good and I like still honeycake better than your heavy Christmas pudding ! ’
27 He had found one protection from those " storms " in the Anglican communion ( although he indignantly denied that it was any kind of comfortable haven ) , and during these years his role as one of the most prominent laymen in that communion was increasing ; as one biographical note in 1937 described him , Eliot had done much " to interpret literature to the theologian and theology to the men of letters " .
28 Throughout these years his services were much in demand at court .
29 She had long ago stopped resenting their original professional clashes , and these days their disagreements tended to be over minor details , with her ending up the victor as often as he did .
30 These days her voice and lifestyle belie her upbringing .
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