Example sentences of "just taken [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I had just taken up my position behind the till of the kitchen gadget department and the store had been open only a matter of minutes when my first customer literally ran into view .
2 The article said the chairman of TV London had just taken up residence in the castle .
3 At 91 years of age , has just taken up painting water colours and choir singing at a local day centre in his home town of Hull .
4 Samantha Ward Tadman , 10 , of Rhyl , has just taken up the cello , and after only a few months , the prize-winning pianist has passed her first cello exam Picture : PHIL MICHEU
5 It is typical of British tennis that Annabel Croft , who had not played a serious match for five years , should celebrate a light-hearted comeback by beating one of our brightest prospects who has just taken up the game professionally .
6 Very dodgy position , but your the one that 's just taken up full time post
7 twisted , warped , it 's in a sense it 's exactly the same as the circle , you know you draw the circle it 's a line that starts there and goes perfectly round and comes back to the starting point , it 's exactly the same as that , but it 's been pushed out at the edges , it 's been dented in here , it 's not recognisable now as that same circle , although it 's what it is , and you see what , what has happened is although we 've sinned , although we 've come short of God 's plan , God has n't destroyed the whole thing , he could so easily just taken up the human life and crumple it up and thrown it on the heap , said finished with them , ca n't be bothered , I 'll start all over again with new people , I 'll have a new creation , well he did have a new creation , but he kept that same creation , he said I 'm gon na work on it , I 'm gon na do something with it , I 'm gon na restore it , I 'm gon na ransom it , I 'm gon na redeem it , I 'm gon na make it again , not just like it was , but I 'm gon na make it even more wonderful and more beautiful .
8 So an insistence on the importance of principle in no way denies the value of experience or customary practices but simply requires that they are subjected to evaluation , and not just taken on trust .
9 An argument developed because Mr Brown told her that the new chauffeur the company had just taken on could use her car while she was away , as the car that had been ordered for him had not arrived .
10 That baggage you 've just taken on to help in the bedroom wears one like that and ties her apron right up under her breasts till they nearly pop out , beggin' your pardon , Mr Timothy .
11 because you 've just taken on too much .
12 And then I met someone from the Kaplan galleries which showed thinking bishops in their robes such as you see in the windows of the galleries in St James'/ The gallery had just taken on a new director and were proposing to show modern art — people like Tinguely and Marcelle Cahn who at that time were n't known .
13 Jacques Poos , the foreign minister of Luxembourg ( which has just taken over the Community 's rotating presidency ) , expressed the hope that he would be authorised to visit Baghdad on its behalf .
14 A spokesman at the estate said yesterday : ‘ As the new earl has just taken over , we are reviewing our business policy . ’
15 At Festival time 1983 , Fania Williams , who had just taken over the Tron in Glasgow , asked me if I was interested in fairy tales .
16 Erm , I think I will give up being Chair this time , I 've done it too long , too long , and I 've had it John as Co-Chair during the year and I hope that he 'll be able to carry on as , as Chair Person , I think really I 've done it , done it for long enough erm , and we 'll have to ask , we hope , we hope the Treasurer just taken over will carry on
17 Crane Holdings have just taken over Grey Rook PLC , which has a three year trading record .
18 In 1911 he returned to railway service as personal assistant to ( Sir ) H. Nigel Gresley [ q.v. ] , who had just taken over from Ivatt on the Great Northern railway .
19 Infanticide by males which have just taken over a harem is probably common in nature in many species : it has been observed several times in the Hanuman langur ( Presbytis entellus , a species of primate ) and has been anecdotally recorded in many other mammals .
20 Flight Lieutenant Gareth Williams MHCIMA , formerly training officer at the RAF School of Catering , Aldershot , has been promoted to Squadron Leader and has just taken over as Officer Commanding Catering Squadron , at RAF St Athan , Barry , Wales .
21 May I remind him that the London Arts Board , which has just taken over from Greater London Arts , is settling down well to the work of funding arts associations throughout London .
22 I had just taken over the Chair and I thought that he was making an intervention .
23 I know your local authority craftsmen and I have as you 're aware , just taken over the responsibilities and that is the first meeting that I had , that was why also there 's nothing in the report , because I thought I had a conference of people I had not spoken to the shop stewards I did n't have a f a feedback prior to the closing date of the report being concluded for print so I do and I have
24 I certainly want teachers to respond closely to the situation in which they are — but they need to be clear about the overall function of RE , what it is about , in order to respond in a way which is meaningful so as not to be just taken over by the latest influence .
25 What I 've done is just taken over from Catherine last year on her topics which er , seem to quite successful and I certainly know that Marian did them last year and found them good .
26 Mr Pacey has just taken over as head of the National Criminal Intelligence Service .
27 ‘ Robert had just taken over the Seconds , but was called back to play in the first team .
28 and old industrial buildings that they 've just taken over and when there 's a crisis in the housing , the state takes over the schools and uses them as refugee centres
29 ‘ My husband and I have just taken out a massive loan to finance the purchase of offices and manufacturing equipment .
30 It was just taken out of the welfare every week .
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