Example sentences of "just that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just that Peake 's trilogy Titus Groan , Gormenghast and Titus Alone has attracted such a cult following that Glass was apprehensive about doing justice to the novels in the eye of fans .
2 Just that Sergeant Shaw checked with Records .
3 It 's just that New York fashion people look down their noses at you unless you 're a graduate of a fancy school of design . ’
4 Just that Fraulein Winkelmann was keeping some papers for him . ’
5 The quotations were accurate but one sensed within Aumann 's text an underlying idea : not just that Palestine was empty of people — which it assuredly was not — but that perhaps those people who did live there somehow did not deserve to do so ; that they were too slovenly to use modern irrigation methods or to plant trees or to build brick houses .
6 It 's just that Victor Hugo can be so terribly amusing sometimes . ’
7 Or maybe it 's just that Scotland is too familiar with lads from the back streets of Edinburgh claiming they have a license to kill .
8 It was not that her therapist was possessed of unusual wisdom or insight and that Scarlet had learned from her : it was just that Scarlet had discerned her way of thought and her approach to the problems which beset the insecure and so found her entirely predictable .
9 It 's just that Strach was fitter last season than we could have hoped , and we needed his blood and guts leadership to dig us out of the mess we were in .
10 It 's alright Kerry it 's just that Graham has come to do , to observe my teaching and he 'll be wanting to sit there , is that alright ?
11 It was n't just that Nottingham 's studious fullback landed seven goals from his solitary World Cup appearance , against the American Eagles at Twickenham last October .
12 It 's just that Alice looked so gorgeous , I really would n't have blamed him . ’
13 It 's just that Daley Thompson and Seb Coe will keep intruding on my dreams .
14 It 's just that Hubert was always such a fool when I knew him , and I hoped he might have acquired a little common sense in the meantime .
15 and er just to , just to sit , it was just that Penny and Kev and Pam and Grant have got different ways in their mind to where we are , we do n't go anywhere in a hurry , I do n't go somewhere and think oh I 've got to be back at ten o'clock
16 ‘ It 's just that Mr Potter is such an interesting man …
17 It 's just that Mr Hargreaves says you keep excellent notes and I missed the tutorials last year for the econometrics module .
18 It 's not just that Mr Parnham knows the count , it 's an idea the old boy 's been floating for a while , so he tells me .
19 It 's just that Mr Willard is a friend … and the police do make mistakes sometimes .
20 that is , it 's just that Mr who really did n't know anything from his and needle and thread was stirring the shit !
21 It 's just that Stephen 's been rooting about in boxes .
22 well it 's just that Andrew had to you know , he , he , did n't , he d did n't said it , did n't say it in any very , you know , he said it very
23 It 's just that Mary Connon and Arthur Evans were seen in close confabulation over a drink the Friday before she died . ’
24 Within Spanish art itself , on the other hand , the line is almost too simple : Goya was intensely aware of Velázquez , Picasso of both , but for Gironella the problem is not just that Picasso could be seen to have inserted himself into the next place in the sequence but that as a Mexican an unequivocal position in any such art-historical lineage is utterly unattainable .
25 Just that Copenhagen likes to be known as the city that never sleeps , ’ he repeated easily .
26 It 's really annoying , he 's not like that at home it 's just that Pip I think Pip intimidates him
27 It 's not just that Fleet Street is n't where it was .
28 It was n't just that Major appeared to have accepted a dare to go through an entire broadcast without offering a single specific incentive of any kind for people to vote for him , but Brunson , an experienced broadcaster , was even odder .
29 It was n't just that Bernice had no time for women who made themselves look like that ; the other woman demanded attention .
30 ‘ — It 's just that Cymbeline is … ’
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