Example sentences of "just see it " in BNC.

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1 Might , perhaps ; there 's just something ; that 's why I asked at the meeting , but I 'd have to see the letter first , partly to see what 's in it , partly just to see it . ’
2 are we going to edit it or just to see it
3 It 's nice just to see it once , that er really that nine should be written smaller and then that two should be even smaller still , and that three should almost be unreadable because those things are smaller and smaller are n't they , as you go along there , these are getting tinier and tinier .
4 just to see it 's keeping on tract and
5 But it really amazing just to see it , you know ?
6 Erm , now it did cross my mind , that it would be nice just to see it and have a talk and a demonstration , but I think our meetings are too big really for that sort of demonstration , I wonder if we could have it at the handicraft afternoon .
7 This is in today 's edition , I 've only just seen it . ’
8 He just sits g , he , he just , you know , it 's , it 's a waste Dave just sees it at because it 's different if they were hard up
9 He could just see it in that box bedroom in Hill View Close , its eyes full of light like some weird toy .
10 You can just see it in your mind 's eye , ca n't you ?
11 It is rather faint ; I can just see it with × 12 and easily with × 20 , but I have never been able to detect it with × 7 .
12 I always find it a difficult binocular object ; I can just see it with × 20 , but I am not confident that I can identify it with a lower magnification .
13 She could just see it how .
14 He 'll just see it as another learning opportunity and advise accordingly .
15 ‘ They would just see it as , It puts you on the same wavelength , ’ Will laughs .
16 ‘ They would just see it as , It puts you on the same wavelength , ’ Will laughs .
17 You can just see it .
18 If you tilt it like , can just see it in her mouth , sixteenth between the two .
19 it just stopped short of the window , well no it was quite short you know , you could just see it aiming for the window , luckily it was plugged in
20 Could just see it in a Trivial Pursuit question
21 you can just see it 's left
22 and he said crikey look at this , what am I gon na do here and he sort of had to fill quite a big gap in , but he sort of pushed it and filled it and then the wallpaper goes up so you can just see it , a little bit , what 's a name now , just in the hall there 's a bit
23 I could just see it a local farmer coming out with his gun
24 ‘ I only just saw it . ’
25 I just saw it
26 I just I just saw it was pure virgin olive oil and I thought oh that 'll do
27 I just saw it , that way I just saw it .
28 I just saw it , that way I just saw it .
29 I du n no , I just saw it and thought , I have to buy it .
30 I just saw it , I thought I must buy that .
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