Example sentences of "just [vb infin] into " in BNC.

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1 They both knew what they were doing and did n't just rush into it .
2 To bring our participants ' social world to life in the kind of detail that is likely to carry conviction we must not just plunge into descriptions of the world of school and football ground , since without the concepts to see it no alternative to the official picture is likely to emerge .
3 Most of this lot will just pour into the rivers and the sea .
4 I 'd die , honestly , I 'd just look into the space between his eyes and I 'd say something deep and intellectual like ‘ So — er — did you do it with Barbra Streisand ?
5 I 'd just look into Harvey 's eyes and there was a silent scream that drained me , like I had a baby inside me , that never stopped sobbing .
6 See what see what you can do and perhaps er Jane you could just look into the possibility of erm because if I mean if we were going to do a run of pens we would n't just have a thousand would we ?
7 No , you can just look into the camera and say , erm ,
8 " Timothy says I ca n't just storm into High Brook and he 's right .
9 Hiding near the door , I could just see into the kitchen through a small uncurtained window .
10 If it does n't hit the island , ’ Ace tried to stifle an inappropriate giggle , ‘ I guess it 'll just sink into the brains . ’
11 ‘ I could just sink into the crowd and go unnoticed . ’
12 So you 'll think he 'll just flow into the next day 's
13 ‘ How dare you think you can just barge into my property !
14 Well , if yu 'd just step into the Saloon , I 'll have a fire lit in no time . ’
15 You do n't just step into the middle of the road , look at the all the cars coming !
16 Was her decision to play music on a full-time basis thought out — or did she just happen into it ?
17 You could n't just walk into it casually , as he had done , drop home from the office and decide to eradicate her on the spur of the moment .
18 What , now , of Falkenhayn 's promise that the infantry would just walk into Verdun once the artillery had done its stuff ?
19 And er if we could just go into a little bit about , this was in Hucknall ?
20 Do n't just go into these meetings and sat there like a dumbbell .
21 So , shall we just go into 'Lay Claims of the Council will move swiftly to close restaurant ’ ?
22 So we 'll do , let's just split into two groups , one group to have a look at aggressive people , one group to have a look at passive and what I 'd like to do is identify any groups .
23 Automation may just come into its own as global cross-border trading picks up .
24 Something 'll just come into me
25 Oxygen can just get into the pocket and bind to the iron but , due partly to the absence of water , ca n't oxidise it .
26 Right it is very easy to do you just get into a nice little plodding along
27 It puts perhaps a kind face on things : but sometimes families do just get into dreadful muddles , with no one doing anything particularly awful .
28 He 'll p , all he , all the money we get we 'll just put into the building society and pay the bills from the building society .
29 I would n't actually say that you know , one has got to suffer unduly , but I think we do have to be very , very careful that we do n't just play into the hands of the drug manufacturers !
30 I 'll just pop into the kitchen and get a cloth , so you can mop up that splash on your shirt before it stains . ’
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