Example sentences of "me do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What I am going to miss is the opportunity to pontificate in peace , without let or hindrance , as Punch has let me do for eight years .
2 The nurse just said , ‘ Well what d' you expect me to do about it ?
3 ‘ What d' you want me to do about it ? ’ he growled , reaching for his watch .
4 ‘ What do you expect me to do about it ? ’
5 What are you wanting me to do about it ? ’
6 So what do you expect me to do about it ?
7 ‘ So what do you want me to do about it ? ’ he asked .
8 ‘ What do you want me to do about it ? ’
9 ‘ What do you want me to do about these ? ’
10 ‘ What do you want me to do about this left-luggage key , sir ? ’
11 ‘ What would you like me to do about it ? ’ she countered .
12 Take five minutes and tell me what it is you want me to do for Lynx .
13 So what do you want me to do for now then ?
14 So I got Peggy up from Somerset , on the same farm you see , and that was much better , and erm we 've been cycling to Stroud , to the pictures you know , 8 miles there and 8 miles back , and erm but the awful job he gave me to do for a few days was along , there was a young lad there and he was going to drive the old heavy fords and tractor and I was going to walk behind , and he 'd got converted horse drags I suppose they call them
15 Sometimes Bentham is represented as having held a significantly different view from that just described , according to which an action which it is right for me to do at any moment is either one which produces a greater surplus of pleasure over pain than any alternative action then open to me ( in which case it is the one right action ) or produces as great a surplus as any alternative ( in which case it is a right action ) , while all actions not thus right are wrong .
16 Right again past Wise Crack are four short routes : Featuristic ( F7a ) , What do You Want Me To Do With It ( F7a+ ) , Do n't Matter Just Bite It ( F7a+ ) and Erotic Nightmare ( F7b+ ) .
17 I was a Sunday School teacher erm when I was in my secondary school and I wondered what God would want me to do with my life when I left school and I thought maybe he wants me to be a missionary and I thought it was only teachers and doctors that could be missionaries I was wrong was n't I ?
18 Now , Mr Holmes , what do you advise me to do with him ? ’
19 ‘ What do you want me to do with it ? ’
20 My sister , who has always been better off than us , has suggested that I should go abroad with her this year , and says I have no excuse because I have the money and that is what our mother would have wanted me to do with it .
21 if there 's nothing you want recording what do you want me to do with the dinner ?
22 Equals now what do you want me to do with all these ?
23 What do you want me to do with this ?
24 actually , yes I 've found it , what do you want me to do with it then ?
25 I thought there might be more for me to do on this project . ’
26 ‘ What would you like me to do on this matter , Reichsführer ? ’
27 Leave the washing up for me to do in the morning . ’
28 You 'd dock my pay soon enough if I did n't do everything you and Matey ordered me to do in my waking hours . ’
29 Now you want me to do in here ?
30 ‘ What 's a nice guy like me doing in a dirty job like this ?
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