Example sentences of "other [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What about the other through the hat , Ian ?
2 On the broader issue of Britain 's minimal success — despite two successive triumphs against the rankings in the Maureen Connolly Trophy , at the Queen 's Club , London , and at Dallas — the captain spreads her hands , searching one empty base-line and then the other for the elusive answer .
3 On the broader issue of Britain 's minimal success — despite two successive triumphs against the rankings in the Maureen Connolly Trophy , at the Queen 's Club , London , and at Dallas — the captain spreads her hands , searching one empty base-line and then the other for the elusive answer .
4 After exchanging a few words , the usher opened the door and Mark was escorted into a debating chamber shaped in the form of a horseshoe , with a raised dais at the open end upon which were two heavy oak chairs , one for the Chairman and the other for the speaker .
5 He blamed the extremists , the sects on the one hand and the bishops on the other for the failure of his vision to be realised .
6 Two buckets are often used together , one for the cleaning solution and the other for the rinse water .
7 It said that the Commissioners of Works were inviting ‘ architects of all countries ’ to submit designs for the concentration of Government Offices on the site between Whitehall and the Houses of Parliament , and for two buildings , one for the Foreign Office and the other for the War Department , which the ‘ Government have determined to erect forthwith , as parts of a general scheme ’ .
8 It is as if the body had two hearts — one providing power to the lung circuit , and the other for the body circuit .
9 However , there was a final twist of the knife reserved for us — the sight of Brian Wilson and Alex Salmond rounding on each other , each blaming the other for the disaster .
10 And what irritates me about them more than anything is the artificial device that actors somehow compete one with the other for the prize .
11 Again , if only one prisoner turns in the other for the greater crime , the cops will drop the lesser charge against the stool pigeon , who will go free .
12 Where a person 's actions either cause direct physical and economic harm to another , or cause another to incur wasted expenditure , then a legal duty arises to compensate the other for the harm done .
13 A : what have you got to do this afternoon B : oh I 'm * going to repair the child bar A : what do you mean CHILD bar B : uh it 's er metal bar goes acr — has to be fixed from one side of the car I mean from one side of the back seat to the other for the BABY seat to go on A : AH …
14 This mini tower machine comes ready to run Windows and also has two mouse drivers installed — one from Microsoft for Windows 3.1 and the other for the Silicon Valley mouse .
15 In the case of electrodynamics , it was necessary to make two such infinite subtractions , one for the mass and the other for the charge of the electron .
16 The best way of avoiding temptation is to make a habit , unless writing for an abnormally large orchestra , of employing only two percussion players , one for the kettledrums exclusively , and the other for the rest of the percussion .
17 People living in the houses were also less likely to be in the company of individuals who had competing needs to their own ; clients living in staffed houses were likely to be the only service user in the room for 63 per cent of the time ( and mostly with just one other for the remainder ) , compared with 42 per cent in the three ‘ campus ’ houses , 33 per cent in ordinary hospital wards and 27 per cent in special units .
18 At the same time the Institute has obtained DOE funding for two research projects — one directed at reducing waste materials on building sites and improving recycling , and the other for the development and publication of a loose-leaf Environmental Site Handbook .
19 Bland argues : " There are two rules which apply — one for the South African sportsman , the other for the South African businessman .
20 The party constitution was also amended to allow for two deputy secretaries-general ( one with responsibility for Zanzibar , the other for the mainland ) .
21 Thus two paths could be followed for the string , one for the stem union plus the suffix - ise and the other for the prefix un- , the stem ion and the suffix - ise .
22 This is the aggregate demand-aggregate supply framework which , at its most elementary , postulates two functional relationships , one for the aggregate demand for output as a whole ( AD ) and the other for the aggregate supply for output as a whole ( AS ) .
23 Now it 's blown up into a dispute between the two , with each side blaming the other for the lack of progress .
24 ( T ) here are many cases where a man who has a ‘ right , ’ in the sense of a liberty or capacity of doing an act which is not unlawful , but which is calculated seriously to injure another , will be liable to a charge of blackmail if he demands money from that other as the price of abstaining . …
25 So , if the blind scientist BS knows that V is in brain state B and that B is the state usually brought about by experience of a red object , then he knows that V is in some state or other of the sort usually brought about by red objects .
26 However , new academic journals are regularly launched , devoted to one or other of the many specialisms into which English is fragmenting , and in their earlier issues , at least , are likely to be looking for contributions .
27 The pursuit of truth , the effort to comprehend , arrange , interpret some aspect or other of the universe we perceive is an activity of humanity which justifies , rewards and motivates itself .
28 Wilde was a Welshman as were two other of the great Edwardian boxers , Freddie Welsh , the lightweight champion of Britain in 1909 , and Jim Driscoll , the world bantamweight champion who ended his days ‘ Wandering around the pubs of London , penniless , and dying at 44 ’ .
29 The designs or inscriptions which appear on the coins made in archaic and classical Greece , for example , nearly always enable us to attribute them to one or other of the Greek city-states which made them , but none carries a date .
30 Whatever the intrinsic properties of a form may be , its reception by our sensory equipment may be distorted by one or other of the many factors that we have considered .
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