Example sentences of "me [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing for it but for me to drive the ten miles there and back and pick it up , because the doctors would need to examine him and sign the certificate at 6.30 .
2 When we came to Préfleur I asked Jean-Claude if he would teach me to drive the motor cycle .
3 One of his daughters takes me to borrow the telephone of a surly neighbour , who insists I pay for the call .
4 Nothing forbids me to dramatize the crisis by saying that the individual has found a new sense of his dignity in the knowledge that he is wholly free to choose , with the sole responsibility for his choice .
5 Let me answer the second question first .
6 He always rushed to the phone , he would n't let me answer the phone you see .
7 It certainly makes me regard the next car commercial with a new pair of eyes .
8 ‘ Peter Seabrook helped me build the pond on the programme , ’ he pointed out .
9 Derek was always very supportive of what I was trying to do — helping me build the aviary in his back garden had made him interested in birds too — but I could n't expect him to drop everything and drive me from Tintagel to London .
10 And the prophecy of Isaiah 61 : 1 , ‘ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me , for he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor … ’ stands in Luke 's Gospel ( 4:18 ) , as a beacon shedding light over the whole of his ministry .
11 ‘ I 'll ring Mr Pritchard to fetch me in the morning if you 'll just let me stay the night . ’
12 So water for me represents the ordinariness of life which Jesus can take and make very special .
13 I visited a one-man research station of the Cyprus Department of Agriculture who invited me to taste the products of many combinations of variety and soil .
14 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
15 I remember me gathering the hens up that night late oh about ten or eleven o'clock at night and we had our own power you see by that time .
16 Mummy wants me to carry the tray in .
17 I now thank that friend who first put the direct question to me and made me make the decision .
18 But let me make the point here that separatism and man-hating are different things .
19 ‘ You can come through to the kitchen and help me make the tea , ’ Miss Honey said , and she led the way along the tunnel into the kitchen — that is if you could call it a kitchen .
20 ‘ Fred lets me make the decisions , an' it was my idea ter sort this back room out . ’
21 ‘ You 'll let me make the cakes ? ’
22 Yet a combination of things , active marketing by both the gallery and the artist herself , made me make the journey to Watermans .
23 Let me make the position absolutely clear to the House .
24 ‘ Then I 'll let you make the decisions that affect all nomes ’ bodies , ’ said Gurder , his voice just one step away from being threatening , ‘ and you 'll let me make the decisions that affect all nomes ’ souls .
25 And it frightens me seeing the youngsters coming out carrying .
26 IT IS normally gratifying enough for me to hit the ball in the air and in the general direction of the green .
27 ONCE again baseless charges of lewdness and indecency in this column make it impossible for me to report the following headline in the newsletter of Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries : ‘ What 's Five Inches Long — and Worth £200 ? ’
28 She says it slipped and set off the magic eye which set the baler off which crushed the bottom part of my leg causing me to lose the tissue and muscle from my ankle up to my shin .
29 I think he was surprised by my reaction , so he asked me to lunch the next day .
30 Ron and I thought that the best way to arrange this would be for me to interview the Prince about his uncle , and to tack the result on to the end of the obituary programme .
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