Example sentences of "well [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The book sold so well locally that she 's now published it for sale countrywide ; available from WH Smith , Sherratt & Hughes and Waterstone 's bookshops or direct from Barbara Geere at 15 Stamford Drive , Bromley , Kent BR2 0XF ( 081–460 3646 ) , priced £2.30 ( inc p&p ) .
2 If you feel you have to make decisions such as leaving the patient or getting a divorce , you should discuss the prospects within the whole family as well so that communally you can come to the best solution for all concerned .
3 I am able to explain things well so that others understand
4 The trouble was that it did not necessarily sell well so that in some cases , such as that of the Burgundian lord , Guillaume de Châteauvillain , both he and his family , who acted as guarantors for the payment of 20,000 saluts which he had agreed to pay when captured by the French in 1430 , faced financial ruin .
5 if you like so it pinches the two positive charges off the hydrogen cos in these equations the charges must must balance as well so that if you just cross the double positive out you need to you ca n't write it in but you need to remember that it wants to become a double positive given
6 And then he let out a call of welcome and triumph and he turned round in his cage and , raising his wings , flew up and dashed his talons against the very top of his cage and , wheeling sideways , hit against the side of Minch 's cage as well so that the Cages were filled with the sound of his joy .
7 This provision is seldom used , perhaps because reasonable employers reward such employees sufficiently well so that they do not apply for compensation .
8 i also missed buying a programme — question : why do n't they sell programmes after the match as well so that people who arrived late can still buy one without having to find the club shop ?
9 Now when Simon saw was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands , he offered them money saying , give this authority to me as well so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit .
10 Well so that the peasants realized that how that it 's a communist
11 Well so that one 's got to go back to back to Cambridge then has n't it .
12 We 'll do it together if you 're free , and get Helen in as well so that she can learn what goes on .
13 Overall , it was a good performance and we took our chances well so that it was all over by halftime , ’ said McHale .
14 Well so that she has similar , so that she has erm you know money when she gets married or if she decides not to get married maybe she can use it for a , a house deposit .
15 Her iron hand was even harder on the pastry , and affected its colour as well so that it looked dark and oppressed .
16 Cos she said what 's wrong with her as well so that makes you feel better
17 Then you 've got the top 's a grill as well so that
18 Well so that yo about Adrian after a few weeks it 's you know
19 Well so that you can all play together .
20 Yeah , it 's very contained , as well so that probably the heat stayed
21 Du n no I , there 's a friend of mine and I 'm selling it in the pa have to advertise in the paper as well so that money 's going to it , I 've made , I 'm having a word with the bank manager for business facilities and then opening an account with him at the bank to er basically get some extra , a business account going which I do n't touch , er I need to get credit facilities done on the bank , accounts and stuff , dad 's gon na look through it completely with me and work everything out , but for the next six , seven weeks I 'll be too busy with the school work to really concentrate on it , cos exams start at seven weeks time now
22 Right well obviously that those last five years have been the er the important ones for us .
23 But she understood well enough that her daughter 's life was slipping away .
24 Those who first heard this story would have understood well enough that if the rebel leaders were to be punished , then the other members of their families might have to suffer with them .
25 ‘ You know well enough that Roger 's nice to everyone . ’
26 He knew well enough that he could not , but had had enough experience to know that aggressive tactics often paid .
27 Oh , she knew well enough that if he were to walk through that door now , she would not entertain him ; her pride would not let her .
28 On the days when he used to leave her a note in the morning she knew well enough that there was no good to be hoped for in replying to it .
29 Lord Grubb knew well enough that Algy dreaded her visits , and to let her off the trial of breakfasting with her mother he had installed a complicated route of strings and pulleys that led from her second-storey bedroom to the basement .
30 He had indicated already he wished her to stay in the house for the night , and she knew well enough that the continued presence of her widowed mother and four brothers in the servants ' quarters in the rear compound depended on her strict obedience to all the wishes of the plantation director in his house .
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