Example sentences of "now use [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All the C&P businesses are now using Cost of Quality as one of their criteria of success .
2 Police are now using DNA testing , or genetic fingerprinting in an attempt to track down the rapist .
3 It said that it was difficult to use insurance mechanisms to cut car crime , but two years on , it is now using insurance premiums formidably well .
4 It is clear that many people are now using asylum claims as a means of evading immigration control .
5 Duncan Orr Ewing , an RSPB officer , recently said egg thieves were now using climbing spikes to rob nests in high trees .
6 Instead of converting each country 's GDP into dollars using market exchange rates , it now uses purchasing-power parities ( PPP ) , which take account of what money actually buys in each country .
7 We can thus write We saw above that at constant pressure the energy transferred as heat during a chemical reaction is equal to the enthalpy change , H. Thus We can now use equation ( 18 ) to rewrite equation ( 17 ) as
8 You should now use option 7.2.2 to fill in the new user 's details .
9 You should now use option 5.2.2 — Update Client to add the client 's details .
10 You should now use option 5.2.2 — Update Client to add the product 's details .
11 Consideration of the nature of hypocrisy in Macbeth reinforces our awareness that Shakespeare connects it with all other forms of evil , the initial dissimulation leading to treason , regicide , and the never-ending chain of murder by which Macbeth destroys the whole of Scotland : Macbeth , having used fraud and force to obtain power , must now use force openly .
12 I now use DOS 5 , and use EDIT rather than EDLIN .
13 Today , in the country , you are more than likely to see women still washing in this way , although they now use lixivia ( bleach ) , sold in bright plastic bottles which , empty and discarded , can often be seen in a river bed or floating out to sea .
14 For solarising I now use multigrade at a fairly high setting for the neg .
15 For solarising I now use multigrade at a fairly high setting for the neg .
16 It found that more than half of companies now use contract hire compared with only three in 10 during 1991 .
17 I think really what happens when you go into the past is not so much that the laws that we now use change , but we just find that there are many more new rules and particles and things that can happen , so the things that we know are the same , but there are many , many more different types of interaction and particle in nature which we have no experience of , which we have to take into account .
18 The pies would then be served in presentation boxes much as bakers now use cake boxes .
19 Since then it has been adapted and we now use phase A as a warm up for the steeplechase and phase C as a ‘ let down ’ after the steeplechase .
20 Yes , similarly there has been an enormous change in the treatment in myocardial infarction in the last few years , not only with angioplasty , but also with thrombolysis : 70%-80% of general physicians now use thrombolysis routinely .
21 Christians now use sandugo , ‘ one blood ’ , as a universal term of address and reference for the Buid .
22 Mr Outcalt believes that Nordstrom 's shoppers — typically bright , successful types who seem to spend nearly every waking hour with cellular telephones , laptop computers and videos — will accept Nordstrom-style television shopping as readily as they now use bank debit cards to buy their groceries .
23 I now use Dug , a decomposed poultry manure from Pelco , when planting and give an annual mulch of bark to the acid areas and spent mushroom compost to the rest ; it improves the body of my sandy soil and also works magnificently as a weed suppressor if put on thick enough .
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