Example sentences of "now to [noun] " in BNC.

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31 The system is available now to DEC customers and value-added resellers .
32 The system is available now to DEC customers and value-added resellers .
33 In his time , David has seen the change from coal to oil , and now to gas fired boilers .
34 Coming now to section 3 , the primary meaning of ‘ assumption ’ is ‘ taking to oneself , ’ again a unilateral act , and this meaning is consistent with subsections ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) .
35 But now to Pau .
36 We have suffered too much rough weather over the last few years to fall victim now to storms in the Cabinet .
37 Now to item eleven , the Percentage for Art policy .
38 Right , we 'll move on now to item twelve , Southwell Tennis Club , permission for floodlighting .
39 Now to item for remark two , item .
40 Back now to Malvern , and day one of the Threee Counties Show .
41 and if you 're not going to a game tomorrow … you can switch Central on at tea time for all the football news … we 're heading off now to Milton Keynes for a story of adventure for our Friday Feature
42 She 's right nice , just qualified now to college , from Taunton you know , Daphne says steering the conversation in the way she wanted it to go .
43 You want to shift the scene now to Selby District ?
44 Turning now to Barclays Bank Plc.
45 She would put drawings up on the walls saying This is a table or this is a cat , and then she would say : Now to class
46 We must refer now to Figure 4 which is a map of the stresses parallel to the surfaces of the crack .
47 The objectors also say if that takes from now to Christmas , then so be it .
48 Make certain this is known and make enquiries and applications now to East Hampshire District Council , ’ urged Mr. Croucher .
49 How on a sudden lost , defaced , deflowered and now to death devote , rather how has thou yielded to transgress the strict forbiddance , how to violate the sacred fruit forbidden .
50 Of course the Sandinista media shout that all this is due to Mr Reagan and now to Mr Bush .
51 On the subject of co-presentation , I must come now to Richard Wyatt .
52 LISTENING BACK now to Michael Gira 's agonised wailing combined with N Westerberg 's non-guitar , Harry Crosby 's deep-seated bass and Roli Mosimann 's drum thunder , you feel transported to the future — not nostalgic for the mid '80s .
53 Anne had wondered what would happen now to Margaret and Molly and if they would be allowed to stay in the house , but Margaret confided that the death of the Misses Dolan had solved a problem for her .
54 Now to weight that and the next one is respite an short stay beds as you mentioned .
55 and hopefully that will be tomorrow night at the Manor … when United play Barnsley … we have to look back now to saturday … no joy I 'm afraid … swindon … oxford … hereford all beaten … here 's what went wrong
56 Let's move now to Lilian who 's calling from Oxford — whereabouts in Oxford are you Lilian ?
57 We are closer now to war than to peace . ’
58 Erm You know the ring er the r er roundabout as you go down Monkgate , er one one of the l the roads goes off to Huntington Road and the other one is is Heworth Green and then the other road goes off now to Sainsburys .
59 Coleridge viewed it rather as another home for Pantisocracy , even though his companions and fellow believers were reduced now to Sara herself and George Burnett .
60 Over these erm past couple of weeks we 've been looking at er some of the questions in the New Testament , we thought a couple of weeks back of the question that Jesus asked his disciples , do you think I 'm able to do this and then last week we looked at a question that the disciples put to Jesus , that time when they came down from the mountain and they found the re , three of them came down with Jesus from the mountain of transfiguration and they found the other disciples with a man who and a , whose son was demon possessed and er they had been unable to help him and the man or brings his son to Jesus and Jesus delivers him and afterwards the disciples who had been so helpless put the question to Jesus , why could we not cast out this demon and this morning I 'd like us to look at another question , we 've got another one today and one God willing next week , er and the question is , is found in Luke chapter thirteen , let me just read a few verses , because of course it 's , it 's not just the questions , it 's the answers that are important as well in Luke chapter thirteen , gon na read from verse twenty two it says in Jesus was passing through from one city and village to another , teaching and proceeding on his way to Jerusalem now that gives us a clue in that , because Jesus only ever went to Jerusalem apart from when he was a boy , he only ever went to Jerusalem once and that , after since that time , and that was when he was crucified , so Jesus was now on his way to Jerusalem , it was the latter days , the latter weeks of the life of Jesus , he was making his way now to Jerusalem and someone said to him Lord are there just a few who are being saved and Jesus said to hi , to them , strive to enter by the narrow door for many I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able , once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door saying Lord open to us , then he will answer and say to you I do not know where you are from , then you will begin to say we ate and drank in your presence and you taught in our streets , and he will say I tell you I do not know where you are from , depart from me all you evil doers , there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there , when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the profits in the kingdom of God , but yourselves being cast out and they will come from East and West and from North and South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , and behold some ar some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last , so it 's just that question then , let's remind ourselves that is put to Jesus Lord are there just a few who are being saved
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