Example sentences of "now [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The alterations in progress when we were last at Fornebu , Oslo 's airport , are now completed and we follow the new sign to baggage reclaim .
2 The principle of this Lift is shewn in the general plan , section and details prepared in January 1886 and now completed and submitted to you .
3 Would we not evaluate a one-off course , now completed and never to be run again ?
4 The University was fortunate in successfully bidding for a capital grant from the Universities Funding Council ( UFC ) towards the cost of a £1.5 million extension of the Pathfoot Building , now completed and being used to re-locate the Department of History with the rest of the School of Arts in Pathfoot .
5 This job is now completed and we are hoping to hold a short ‘ opening ’ ceremony as soon as it can be arranged .
6 His mother 's bedroom , once hung with hand-painted eighteenth century Chinese wall-paper , now ripped and defaced and stained with urine .
7 Pumlumon said in a voice of utmost astonishment , ‘ But has your honour never heard of the Draoicht Suan ? ’ and was instantly hushed by Bith of the Bog-Hat , who had by now sensed that something was wrong , being a gnome of more percipience than his fellows and who liked , no more than Fenella , the manner in which Goibniu was eyeing them all .
8 The company is now formed and trading can commence .
9 A guanine-nucleotide exchange complex now referred as EF1βγδ replaces GDP by GTP on EF1α ( 1 ) .
10 Cases now treated as infanticide often involve extreme emotional disturbance , as do mercy killings , suicide pacts , and cases of duress .
11 ‘ Everything was now arranged and John and I were pleased with ourselves ; despite the short time available to us , all systems were no go .
12 The estimable Anderson spoke half-truths as his friend and fellow bag-carrier , Billy Gunn , now explained as he sat on a green caddies ' bench and waited for the call to duty .
13 And whether he knew it or not , he could be marked down as one of Wainwright and Hayling 's ‘ Fragments ’ — a talented 1960s person who had now matured and wanted to bring his skills back into the mainstream .
14 USL has now amended that suit against BSDI to include additional charges of copyright infringement , trade secret violations and inducing breach of contract .
15 The Westminster Press cost budget is now adjusted and they 're currently trading at a nine percent margin which would be ten percent if it was n't for the er , expenditure on er , Yorkshire on Sunday er , the circulation of which is growing very nicely .
16 I believe all of the forms in the procedures that I 'm responsible for have , and are the one that are mentioned in those procedures are now versioned and dated .
17 Years of scholarship and so many contentious performances mean that the character is now regarded as ‘ difficult ’ , when it can in fact benefit from the freshness and vitality of the natural actor , who will quickly find the comic qualities of the man as well as his serious side .
18 It was true self-education , and accounts for the enjoyment he still shares in the works of poets now regarded as passé .
19 It had been renovated just before the war and was now regarded as quite modem for the area .
20 Viewed overall , only half the minister 's members are now regarded as experienced in the park purposes they are appointed to present .
21 This can be expressed very physically in the way breasts are now regarded as being for feeding babies rather than for making love , and most couples experience tensions over their sexual relationship in the early months and even years of parenthood .
22 The Russians who went to war on their side were now regarded as their enemies , and he contended that the reason why the British government was trying to prevent the Russian Government trading with this country and was using Polish forces to fight the Russian people was because the people of Russia had set up a form of Government which was antagonistic to a capitalist Government like theirs .
23 Shrines , chantries , and reliquaries were plundered or demolished , and the interiors of churches were denuded of their images , which were now regarded as idolatrous .
24 Much previous research , in ignoring the social structural features of class and gender , has tended instead to focus on a variety of other factors in explaining supposed patterns of ‘ underachievement ’ , most of which are now regarded as highly dubious .
25 Langerhans cell histiocytosis ( histiocytosis X ) was not included in the analyses as this group of diseases is not now regarded as neoplastic .
26 The completed version of this famous composition belongs to the National Gallery of Victoria , Australia , and is now regarded as being too fragile to travel .
27 As Christine de Pisan was to show in the first quarter of the century , the use of artillery for defensive purposes was now regarded as necessary and normal .
28 Those patients with ST segment depression would be people now regarded as having non-Q wave infarction .
29 However , ‘ professionalism ’ can be interpreted in a variety of ways , some of which are now regarded as pejorative .
30 In England , at least , rural depopulation is now regarded as less of a problem than it was up until the 1940s .
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