Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His hatred for those who crossed him having once shared the bonds of mutual loyalty was unbounded , but equally he never forgot old services performed , and , apart from the ‘ Night of the Long Knives ’ in June 1934 , he did not resort to purges within the Party .
2 A Halifax Building Society survey found most elderly people with financial difficulties did not resort to credit as a panacea — ‘ their generation does not approve of credit . ’
3 Slipper of the Yard objected to some passages in Delano 's book but did not resort to litigation .
4 Did not Jesus indicate that ‘ the Kingdom of God lies within ? ’
5 But it did not institute systematic means of monitoring school curricula to check on whether or not inspectorate advice was being followed , nor did it devise systematic means for exerting pressure on schools to follow this advice .
6 Nonconformity did not will migration into the towns nor the migration out again to the suburbs but it did meet the challenges presented by these mammoth social changes .
7 João did not cue himself in .
8 I did not farad to .
9 yeah — Lukic again — — why — did not Wilko buy a top class keeper before this season ? they — do — come around pretty cheap — i think the prices paid for foreign guys like Kharin , Thorstvedt , Schmeichel , Bosnich are pretty low compared to your average midfielder/attacker …
10 They did not part until four a.m .
11 We did not film it and that is something which even now makes me feel completely frustrated .
12 She pushed the dress back into the running water of the stream above the basin , where the soap did not film the water , and mourned the disappearance of his sweet milk ; his pleasure had frightened her , it was true , at first when he did not speak and did not ask or explain .
13 She was calm and did not rail in spite , that night , as they waited for the island 's noises to change to the night 's flutings and clicks and sighs .
14 She was , in terms of the law , the better witness , did not rail or curse as wildly as her opponent and rival — the widow , at one point , fell to the ground in convulsions , twitching and flailing .
15 For many disabled people , unwanted dependence on others would disappear overnight if they lived in a physical environment which did not handicap them .
16 I loved it when a whole pile of notes met me in the morning and I did not surface till lunchtime .
17 The truce with Scotland , renewed in 1323 , reduced the need to levy taxes , and opposition was so cowed that , as the Vita commented , it did not surface even when parliament was called : ‘ Parliaments , colloquia and councils decide nothing these days .
18 She hoped he spoke English as well as he wrote it and she hoped too that his slightly censorious tone did not surface as he met her in Paris .
19 She recognized the stone for what it was , but the thought did not engage her , did not surface .
20 She tried to guess what he might have found out about Sabine Jourdain that did not hinge on her death .
21 These did not fruit well at Chelsea but by now the tomato , also known as the love-apple , had become well known in England ( it had been introduced in the sixteenth century , when Gerard considered it of little value ) and was much used in soups .
22 ‘ In the second test the steel reinforcement buckled , but the building did not pancake , ’ Bertero said .
23 Perhaps the strangest talisman — and one ( or should one say many … ? ) which made those initiates feel themselves intimately a part of the Fists — was kept in a long crypt below the Reclusiam , reached by a dropshaft which would incinerate anyone who did not sport a Black Carapace beneath their skin .
24 Even the casual Aranyos did not disdain to make the sign .
25 The salary of the post to which the unlucky Mr Achterlonie aspired was a mere twenty pounds per annum , but Montrose did not disdain it , conscious that ‘ triffling as such a post is it may effectuallie oblidge some body who may be reddie to repay such a favor upon ane other occasion ’ .
26 Bach himself did not disdain to transcribe Vivaldi concertos for organ or harpsichord and to borrow fugue-subjects from Legrenzi and Corelli .
27 Even Wilbye did not disdain specific Italian models ; his ‘ Lady , your words do spite me ’ takes off from Ferrabosco 's ‘ Donna se voi m'odiate ’ which had appeared in Musica Transalpina as ‘ Lady , if you so spite me ’ : and once more the English monosyllables leave their stamp on the music .
28 Eleanor Thorne moved her head about uneasily on the pillow for a moment or two , wishing she had not complained about the soap , for now Alida might change the brand , keep that tablet to herself , And if it did not lather well , it had such a distinctive scent , a scent Eleanor liked .
29 His results showed that children below the age of seven years did not structure their stories or explanations coherently , nor did they keep in mind the extent of the listener 's ignorance .
30 Although in 1978–9 Libyans could time in to Cairo 's radio broadcasts to hear abuse of their leader , Libya 's news services did not air the quarrels with neighbours .
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