Example sentences of "well be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But some argued that a new and more resounding voice to address Edward would be more effective ; also , sadly , that Seton 's will to resist could well be weakened by having his son the hostage .
2 By the end of the evening you might well be accepting that I 'm a fully paid-up flesh-eating dinosaur like my parents ! ’
3 Matters get more complicated still when it becomes evident that a group of students may well be inventing them both as an assignment for a creative writing course , until the students admit that they too are ‘ a pack of lies dreamt up by the unreliable narrator in love with the zeroist author in love with himself but absent in the nature of things , an etherised unauthorised other ’ ( 155/733 ) .
4 In my investigations so far , I 've come across practitioners who could equally well be categorised as anthropologists , geographers , economists , sociologists and even philosophers .
5 In twenty years time this field full of weeds could well be supporting a wealth of wildflowers .
6 Carr drove home fundamental points , but said nothing about the actual working practices of historians , and , in his inspirational advocacy of a new kind of socialist history , left students with the impression that the solid , source-based stuff which formed their staple diet might as well be cast into the dustbin .
7 I may well be addressing a future Inquisitor — ’
8 For this reason , the most thorough and reliable long term preservation procedure may well be to print out and preserve in microform ( Morelli 1993 ; Morris 1992 ) .
9 That something may well be to do with these choices .
10 In years to come the commercialisation of BR via sectorisation could well be seen by historians as important as grouping and nationalisation .
11 These factors might well be seen as socially beneficial .
12 The established head taking up a keen interest in marketing may well be seen as no more than a leopard cynically changing spots to match the climate of LMS and the introduction of pupil driven funding .
13 In a hundred years ' time a solitary figure might well be seen on a lonely road gazing down into the valley , wondering about ‘ Little Hintock ’ .
14 All this , of course , could well be seen as an excessively constraining interpretation , smacking of a kind of behaviourist structure analysis common to well-developed traditions of curriculum development in the USA .
15 Viewed in this light , robots might well be seen favourably by workers and their trade unions , and thus welcomed onto the shop floor .
16 The theory that planetary movements can influence sunspot activity and thus the solar wind , which in turn affects the magnetic field of the Earth to which nature is attuned , may well be seen to endorse the Hindus ' views about the Graha .
17 ( One Judge even going so far as to say , ‘ In ten years ' time , 1989 may well be seen as the year when Vauxhall redefined the sports coupé . ’ )
18 It could equally well be seen as an attempt to draw attention to problems in the world that her audience might not be aware of .
19 Our revival of it could well be seen as defiant ; that 's why we have already commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of Aby Warburg 's death .
20 As well be seen , it is notoriously difficult to lay down what the boundaries of natural justice should be .
21 The strategic matrices may well be seen to represent this looser form of capital-rationing and balanced development , but , interpreted in this way , there seems to be no violent conflict with practical corporate finance .
22 An important canvas of the autumn or early winter of 1906 , Two Nudes , now in the Museum of Modern Art , New York , could equally well be seen as two studies of a single figure viewed from diametrically opposed positions , an indication that Picasso was not only attempting to produce images of almost unprecedented weight and girth , but that he was also becoming impatient or dissatisfied with the idea of viewing his subjects from a single , stationary point of view .
23 For other social groups , however , they may well be seen as back regions to be avoided .
24 If she put it into his letter-box herself she might well be seen .
25 And if Mrs Simmons was registered with him she could well be seen much sooner .
26 It contrasts so vividly with the centesimal system where the remedy may well be given as a single dose and even when several doses are taken is usually stopped at the first sign of improvement .
27 The kind of help that museums can give to adults can equally well be given to schoolchildren , and to teachers who bring parties of schoolchildren for specific purposes .
28 In business , an employee near retirement age may well be given a job with a grand title in a department which has little influence in the overall scheme of things .
29 Once you have started the course , you may well be given specific routines to accomplish with your pet between these lessons .
30 They could well be given to an officer 's deputy or underling , assuring him of promotion when the time came .
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