Example sentences of "well as [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Following your training in lifting people , you will know that you need to work out first what method suits the resident as well as yourself .
2 As no one , who knows what he is about in good company , would venture to talk all ; — so no author , who understands the just boundaries of decorum and good breeding , would presume to think all : The truest respect which you can pay to the reader 's understanding , is to halve this matter amicably , and leave him something to imagine , in his turn , as well as yourself .
3 You may be the one person to bring about improvements which will benefit many others as well as yourself .
4 On the whole , good secateurs are safer and cleaner for your roses , as well as yourself .
5 You can think you know someone as well as yourself , but then you are caught up , surprised , by something they say .
6 Well I mean you learn as well as yourself .
7 One can only regard them as victims of other people 's loose ends , just as the terrible sustained anxiety of Raskolnikov 's mother and sister on his account is the measure of his power to make others suffer as well as himself in that limbo which his friend — his only friend — Razumikhin calls being out of the practical swim .
8 And then arrangements had to be made to transport his cats as well as himself to the new flat .
9 This obviously means that the male 's workload more than doubles , as he has to hunt for his mate and the babies as well as himself .
10 A spokesperson said : ‘ Glen is furious that the new ‘ Anarchy ’ promo features footage of Sid Vicious as well as himself .
11 Suddenly he remembered the dog — people would be looking for his dog as well as himself .
12 Now that he knows it 's himself he ca n't help noticing the slightly ridiculous and embarrassing qualities — the way the young man frowns importantly as he talks about his job , and waves his arms about when he gets stuck for words ; and the way he smiles insincerely at Howard from time to time , and looks straight into his eyes in an effort to demonstrate that he is interested in Howard as well as himself .
13 Not only this , but by his instructions several of the petty officers can make and calculate these observations almost as well as himself . ’
14 If a manufacturer can have a certain conveniency of sending his goods by water carriage within four miles of his own home , surely that is sufficient , and profit enough , considering that other people must thrive as well as himself ; and a proportion of profit to each trade should be the biasing and leading policy of this nation .
15 That he managed to summon enough energy to make any collections at all during his stay is something of a miracle ; had he been more thorough and punctilious in his methods he would have saved history , as well as himself , a lot of time and trouble when it came to corroborating the theories that were to bring him such fame , and infamy , many years later .
16 Of course , that leaves us with the problem raised in the first chapter — the extent to which such old people feel they are no longer able to engage in transactions which benefit others as well as themselves .
17 The thought of asking one of the Royal family for money to breed owls seemed a bit out of order ; however , Suzy explained that the scheme was designed to help young people just like myself set up projects or businesses which are of benefit to the local community , as well as themselves .
18 This means at least 70 per cent of people attending fertility clinics will feel they are failures — not only for having to attend the clinic , but also for not having succeeded with treatment ; they may also feel they have failed the clinic and the doctor , as well as themselves , their partners and families .
19 Residents will spend a year here , working for others as well as themselves .
20 ‘ Instead , I have given the Law Society the power to grant rights of audience in the higher courts , but subject to regulations relating to competence and conduct , which will require the approval of senior judges as well as myself . ’
21 Can not you see him as well as myself ; Is he not sitting behind me at the bed 's head , to seize upon me for his victim , as soon as I have breathed my last ? ’
22 Q Could you please clear up a few points which I am sure confuse other readers as well as myself .
23 Your gifts are very welcome and will be appreciated by Annabelle as well as myself .
24 There were many others as well as myself put out or deprived of their parks about this time to make room for Webster [ the under factor for whom the house at Daill Farm was built ] .
25 And this new dimension , this suggestion that the ‘ apparitions ’ were mounted for Conchis as well as myself , was the most baffling of all .
26 ‘ In my flat we have people from Greece , Italy and Brazil as well as myself .
27 well , well thank Mr very much , if you , if you could , I can accommodate Mr at any reasonable time tomorrow , erm , but although he may say he 's only got , he only wants to rest for a quarter of an hour d'your , as you gather from the interchange from the bench , that 's er , that will be the very minimum and I may well have questions to ask him , although I hope I 'd asked most of them to Mr , so , erm , but I 'm , I 'm I think for everybody 's convenience it , erm , unless he 's got a specific time he could deal with , we either start say at eleven thirty , when Mr can be here or at two , erm , but if he 's got some other clever idea I 'm perfectly prepared to entertain him , but er we ca n't leave this hanging around , I 've got ta write this and whichever way it goes we 've got ta look at it again , er and although I suppose I 'm not entirely unheard of and I disappear to the court of appeal next term it 's gon na make things extremely awkward to try and arrange anything else next term , cos I 've got two other judges to bear in mind as well as myself
28 As well as herself , the adaptation of Muriel Spark 's witty macabre novel stars Maggie Smith , Michael Hordern , Renee Asherson , Thora Hird , Maurice Denham , Muriel Pavlow and Cyril Cusack to name but seven .
29 By presenting this vision the artist hopes to reveal a different perspective and to enrich the viewer as well as herself ’ .
30 She did not add , He would jump at the chance of someone filling that post , so that he would n't be asked to take the children off Rose 's hands until she is once more fixed up with someone who could manage her unruly crowd , as well as herself and the house .
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