Example sentences of "well in a " in BNC.

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1 It now looks very well in a 15in pot , staked against wind damage and regularly fed , and in its first year yielded a crop of more than 3lb of berries .
2 The analyst can not hope to understand the business as well in a few weeks as the user does after many years .
3 The cake keeps well in a tin or tightly wrapped in foil and should be served sliced , buttered or with jam .
4 Neither defence was likely to go down conspicuously well in a crowded House .
5 Most of us would probably start off growing pelargoniums in a soilless compost but Hazel reports that they 're actually much easier to grow well in a loam-based compost .
6 Pithy and allusive interjections worked well in a shaikh 's guestroom , but less well when a speaker had to queue for his turn at a microphone to make himself heard .
7 Much credit is due to both crews for maintaining their form so well in a race which went much as expected , with Ian Gardiner 's excellent rhythm probably proving decisive .
8 After all , he thought , this new scene was entirely , well in a sense , almost entirely , his creation .
9 Some see it and have sound explanations , like one Magar lady in rural west central Nepal who gave a ten-minute lecture to me on the problems of the transference of fertility from forest to arable land , and changing uses of crop residues with increasing population pressure , that would have stood up well in a graduate seminar .
10 To say that Tit for Tat , say , is an ESS , would be to say that Tit for Tat does well in a climate dominated by Tit for Tat .
11 Common turnips are quicker growing than mangolds or swedes , but are not frost-resistant and do not keep so well in a clamp .
12 By getting his colleagues to admit pupils to their lectures after Vial 's death , apparently waiving the customary fee of 10 guineas , he helped the College over a difficult patch , but may unwittingly have set an unfortunate precedent which suggested that preclinical veterinary teaching could be done as well in a medical as in a veterinary context .
13 Pets are very important therapy for old people and usually get on very well in a Home .
14 W. Gilpin , the self appointed arbiter of taste , defined this word as ‘ that which would look well in a picture ’ .
15 The Light twins , Chris Rodwell and Carl Barrett played well in a stalwart defence .
16 David Oates going well in a new saloon car racing class .
17 This keeps well in a screw-top jar in the fridge .
18 Did they really cope so well in a man 's world , or was it all just an act ?
19 Rockdwelling species , like Neolamprologus brevis will do well in a set-up containing Goby Cichlids .
20 Moreover , as countless makers of this design will confirm , it flies well in a broad range of wind speeds .
21 Labour , like other left parties , does not do well in a recession , but prospers when the economy is booming , unemployment is going down , and redistribution favours me-firstism .
22 Julie 's high-achieving life seemed as if it would continue on its upward curve with her two companies both doing well in a time of recession .
23 She 's capable of doing very well in a major crisis .
24 However , it will grow moderately well in a slightly alkaline condition with a pH of up to 7.2 .
25 It will grow well in a mixture of mud and unwashed sand or gravel .
26 This plant does extremely well in a well-lit aquarium .
27 The submerged form will grow well in a mixture of unwashed sand .
28 It will do well in a gravel medium with plenty of detritus .
29 Do you work well in a team ?
30 ‘ Musicals always do well in a recession because people want escapism , ’ says Patrick O'Connor of the New Grove Dictionary Of Opera .
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