Example sentences of "more [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Acrylic , emulsion and gesso grounds tend to be more absorbent than oil and alkyd grounds .
2 Acrylic , emulsion and gesso grounds tend to be more absorbent than oil and alkyd grounds .
3 Much nicer and far more refreshing than the bland oiliness of avocado and prawns , a combination which still baffles me .
4 But if it is short , it is also dynamic and various , altogether more refreshing than the endless dunes of the Landes , north of the Adour .
5 Both are more refreshing than a toner — and more effective methods of removing the last traces of make-up and oil .
6 Troy did , however , use one phrase that went a long way to describe the film 's great success , for he spoke of how it illustrated that ‘ an honest documentation of familiar American actualities becomes in a Hollywood film more absorbing than intrigue in Monte Carlo or pig-sticking in Bengal ’ .
7 A. M. Fairbairn complained that the clergy had become ‘ more professional than social ’ and the Baptist C. F. Aked attacked ‘ the funny little assistant priest , who has taken the place of the old-fashioned curate ’ , the man who says
8 Well i it were like a proper , er i in fact , they were more professional than a proper salon .
9 in my eyes like , was more professional than the one that had done the new one !
10 Secondly , social work is likely to become more professional as training standards improve .
11 Headhunters were also forced to become more professional because of the growing complexity of the corporate problems they were called upon to solve ; those consultants who were less sophisticated than their clients soon went out of business .
12 But the most important thing about Lord Robertson was that in this particular case he was even more prejudiced than Lord Grant , although in the light of all that had recently occurred , with far less excuse .
13 ‘ Those who argue that maybe we should just once more try to delay it must face up to the responsibility that they may , by their good intentions , create much more suffering than anything we have seen so far .
14 That behaviour demanded more suffering than just a few uncomfortable hours .
15 This all testifies to a growing recognition of corporate crime as a social problem , and a gradual , shocking realization that the victimization rate is higher and causes more suffering than conventional crime .
16 The critics ' favourite accusation that Neverland looks like a theme park is fair , though hardly a criticism — most children and adults enjoy Disneyland , and the movie is no more garish than The Wizard of Oz , a great children 's film which has been rendered critically respectable by age .
17 After much fretting and threats of legal action , the RFU had little choice but to back down — and endorse a strip that is if anything , more garish than the last effort .
18 She had blundered into a suit that was much more solid than most .
19 We could lie propped up against wide pillows edged with lace , the legs of the bed rooted in a froth of cow parsley , convolvulus thrusting through the wrought-iron bedstead , the blue sky and the clouds more solid than the rows of houses underneath .
20 But it has also been suggested that the animal 's heart could not have pumped enough blood to nourish a head any larger , or one that was in fact more solid than the light , airy structure of the skull of many known species .
21 I had always suspected him of being rather more solid than the average person and this collision provided complete confirmation .
22 She stands on the step looking more solid than the door .
23 The sand i's solid , more solid than the earth you see ?
24 Dickson concludes that : " Tory fears of the great world of wealth and influence , which they hated with the intensity of the excluded , were based on something more solid than ignorance and prejudice . "
25 Well of course it 's rather more solid than the atom is .
26 As you know , you do a half halt before asking for a transition , because it 's more polite than shouting ‘ Oi ! ’ , but Skipper seemed to forget about the legs bit and would go into whatever pace was faster than the one he had been doing .
27 ‘ You do a half halt before asking for a transition because it 's more polite than shouting ‘ Oi ! ’
28 ‘ People might be a bit more polite if everybody carried guns . ’
29 But , to me , jazz was always , and still is , much more rebellious than rock'n'roll , especially now .
30 Senior did once turn the ball into the net but David Elleray was more alert than the referee of England 's 1986 World Cup tie against Argentina and had noticed the hand of a mere mortal .
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