Example sentences of "than me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had planned the whole scheme and ought to have a better idea than me of what was going to happen .
2 some of you are a lot younger than me of course , it could be a lot smaller , but er er showing this to teenagers , if you work out what age a teenager will be in the year twenty forty , they 'll be about er in their mid sixties so this period of time , basically , is the time over which our present er generation of schoolchildren will have their adult life .
3 no one was more surprised than me to be
4 Then he stared at the phone rather than me for about a minute until the door opened .
5 So I would congratulate her on her good prospects as a statesman , or she would warn me of the dangers of dancing all night ; but if the stars looked town they would be no more likely to see her on a rostrum than me on a dance-floor .
6 If anyone is going to break it they are going to have to be better than me over the first fifty metres , so it 's going to be difficult .
7 There were a lot of people older than me with more experience of life .
8 They were much taller than me with long brown arms covered with green leaves .
9 ‘ No one ever gave me the slightest inkling that they thought any different than me at the recording sessions and things like that .
10 Get talking to people over a few drinks ; you 're better than me at that sort of thing . ’
11 They are better than me at some things .
12 He lives down near the bottom of Wind Street , got a shop he has , a well-to-do sort of man , better off than me at any rate . ’
13 I can diagnose tonsillitis , there 's an ENT surgeon who is far better than me at that ; I can diagnose appendicitis , hearts , whatever you can think of , there 's someone who is much better than me at it and these people are all now available to the population .
14 I can diagnose tonsillitis , there 's an ENT surgeon who is far better than me at that ; I can diagnose appendicitis , hearts , whatever you can think of , there 's someone who is much better than me at it and these people are all now available to the population .
15 I say gel but she was a year older than me at least .
16 I think this woman with the three grown-up sons is not younger than me at all , but almost certainly older .
17 He 'd be faster than me at long distance , by a long way .
18 I can tell you something , Alex is a lot better than me at it .
19 Of course sometimes I do have additional information showing that the authority is better than me in some areas and not in others .
20 But they seem more alive than me in here .
21 Not really , it does n't annoy me but I know there are some like women older than me in in my office that know they 're not gon na get anywhere because it 's all men .
22 Most importantly there will be one person affected more than me in the year ahead .
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