Example sentences of "than would [be] " in BNC.

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1 When it aids the excitation field , the entry into saturation occurs slightly earlier and the departure from saturation occurs slightly later than would be the case .
2 The Germans are more to be trusted with maintaining the value of European money than would be a Central Bank with votes for inflationary countries like Greece , Britain or Italy .
3 Clearly , such an arrangement necessitates the use of more elaborate and comprehensive timber framing than would be employed in a narrow barn where masonry walls provide all the support for the roof .
4 Whether or not specific arrangements were discussed by the two unionist groupings , the election was more of a success for the conservatives than would be implied by the victory of one of the two Protestant Unionists .
5 There were fewer dogs than would be found at a Romany camp , and no poultry at all .
6 If adopted next year , the county programme will start nine days later than would be the case if the present structure remains .
7 Women were much less involved in off-farm employment than would be the case in this country .
8 In addition , there is more provision outside the state system and residential services appear less integrated into wider family and community approaches than would be the case in a generic social services department in the United Kingdom .
9 We have raised the basic single person 's tax allowance by 27 per cent more than would be needed to keep pace with inflation .
10 One advantage the DST has is that most French people accept a far greater degree of personal documentation and registration of their whereabouts than would be acceptable in Britain or America .
11 The government can , however , promote a more extensive adoption of efficient technology than would be achieved by relying on such market forces .
12 If animals are given Pavlovian conditioning with a compound CS consisting of separable components , the amount of strength gained by one of these components after a given number of training trials will be less than would be acquired if that component had been trained alone .
13 Another study which looked at men whose wives had died of cancer of the cervix has shown that there is a much higher incidence of cervical cancer among their second wives than would be expected by chance .
14 But , in terms of global averages , such changes in temperature are highly significant , and are at least 100 times more than would be occurring naturally .
15 These councils were granted the same economic development powers as the ‘ other districts ’ , but they were additionally invited to submit an annual programme that would normally lead to greater Urban Programme funding than would be made available to the lowest tier of authorities .
16 For such borrowers the use of syndicated loans enables the managing bank to obtain funds more quickly , in greater amounts and at a lower cost than would be the case in conducting separate negotiations with up to fifty lending banks .
17 The barn owl distributions are close to the natural occurrence of bone in the mammalian skeleton , although the number of skull fragments has been augmented by breakage , and the numbers of phalanges and metapodials are fewer than would be expected .
18 The key point of these arguments is the suggestion that state bureaucracies have certain special features which encourage them to have budgets which are significantly greater than would be ‘ optimal ’ for the provision of the services with which they deal .
19 Secondly , there needs to be a reasonably close relationship between taxation and accountability : if some voters can gain markedly greater benefits than others without making any substantial financial contribution , then the electoral system is likely to encourage higher levels of spending than would be justified on grounds of efficiency .
20 Intuitively , it seems to the authors that ( 9 ) would lead more readily to continuations in which Mary and John are referred to by they or them than would be the case with ( 10 ) .
21 Thus collectors can get back to the sound of the original master-tape far more closely than would be possible with any 1955 disc , let alone a forgery of one .
22 A greater number than would be expected have spent long periods in plaster casts because of bone injuries , or for correction of congenital malformations .
23 User education there may be a somewhat broader concept than would be permissible in the West , but their attitude even in our recognized parameters of user education would find acclaim here in their insistence that user education should be a continuous process for everyone from infants through to senior citizens ,
24 Similarly , if we can image that the research could lead to a diverging range of possibilities we believe that it is much more likely to lead to unexpected discoveries than would be the case if researchers were focused on a well specified target .
25 Corrosion and metal attrition were little more than would be found in a five-or-ten year-old ship .
26 It is this fact , that needs to be recognised by the California Regulators so that hybrids can be encouraged rather than penalised to give more zero emission miles of total use than would be the case with a battery-only car produced in lower volumes .
27 But in inner-city areas , car ownership is lower than would be expected on the basis of affluence , given both the very small average household size and the better availability of public transport .
28 This means that society is increasingly experiencing a lower standard of living than would be possible without rising levels of unemployment .
29 Akitas here are now what the Japanese would call the ‘ old ’ type , with more variety in colour than would be accepted in its homeland .
30 Although simple , the circuit is capable of giving far higher fidelity than many standard power amplifiers on the market and substantially better than would be obtained from the headphone socket of a standard power amp .
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