Example sentences of "than do [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Another study , on Indonesia , has suggested that the TNCs are more liable to attract managers from local firms than to do their own training ( Okada , 1983 ) .
2 Significantly , another housewife mentioned the fact that housework is not paid work as a reason for disliking it ; she said she would be happier doing someone else 's housework for pay than doing her own work .
3 Yes , I mean I have a very helpful husband , but he 's helping , he sees him himself as helping me rather than doing his share of it without having to ask what help I need .
4 ‘ They knew that I liked girls and if I had a choice , I would rather be talking to the girls than doing my homework . ’
5 Because of their low ratings , some of America 's biggest banks pay more for short- and long-term funds than do their industrial customers .
6 We can not settle the theory of life histories because we can not be sure whether cave organisms put more effort into reproduction than do their relatives at the surface ; nor can we be sure whether they have reduced metabolic rates , which makes it difficult to sort out the question of adaptation .
7 It should be made clear that this is on a completely self-financing basis and that at an increasing number of dinners spouses now attend the dinner rather than do their own thing .
8 It is possible that some Latin American judgements that Soviet goods are uncompetitive are founded in the belief that Soviet producers take less trouble over ‘ aesthetic ’ qualities , such as finish , than do their Western rivals .
9 Instead , girls who marry or begin sexual congress before or around puberty tend to experience a longer interval between marriage or conjugal union and first birth than do their counterparts who marry later .
10 It has been observed , for example , that British firms find it easier to persuade workers to accept redundancies but harder to obtain flexibility of working practices and job demarcations than do their French counterparts .
11 Her new role may , in fact , call for a much wider range of skills , both mental and physical , than did her previous one ; but however well she develops them , they will go largely unnoticed by society .
12 After thirty years of marriage to Tom McBride , Beryl McBride sounded more Irish than did her husband .
13 Hopefully , the year ended in better spirits than did its finances , for bond and loan interests and fees were waived yet again .
14 The 19th century English ocean bill of lading was considerably less abstract and incorporated or merged fewer possessory rights than did its 20th century American counterpart .
15 Certainly , the majority of today 's cars need far less skill to drive quickly than did their predecessors of the sixties and early seventies .
16 In France many noblemen , especially those of middling to lower rank , were so impoverished that they needed the king 's wages , which provided them with a better and surer income than did their lands .
17 Asian and Middle Eastern areas generally gave more trouble to the colonial powers , than did their possessions in Black Africa at this time .
18 ‘ The newer cohorts entered a politics that was dominated by the class alignment and divided their loyalties along class lines more completely than did their elders , those who had entered politics half a century before .
19 He has also convinced the Scots he cares far more about their future than did his predecessor , Mrs Thatcher .
20 But the relationships within which women laboured in the coal communities would have told him even more about class struggle than did his breathtaking chronicle of labour down there in the dark .
21 But it 's unerringly steady when you 're pressing on , and lurches slightly less ponderously into a tight bend than does its more sophisticated ( and independently sprung ) 960 24v sister .
22 The reality is the T U C provides training for more G M B representatives than does our own training programme and very often at considerably less , less cost , and certainly in my region , where we have a very close relationship with the T U , T U C , the training is of a very high standard .
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