Example sentences of "than [indef pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The deep division within the provinces of the former Empire meant than no-one had sufficient forces to root out the Beastmen .
2 Although many of the original grammar school teachers are no longer at the school there is still a strong academic ethos amongst some of the senior teachers , though this is sometimes more a sense of nostalgia than something realized in their teaching .
3 This is not to say that such courses would not also encourage an awareness of wider theoretical implications or the kind of appraisal I have associated with education , but this would be more in the manner of a long-term investment rather than something expected to yield immediate returns , something which might influence attitude rather than instigate action .
4 Nothing looks worse than something overdecorated ; when you stop to think ‘ Shall I add a bit more ? ’ , the answer is usually ‘ No ’ .
5 Orwell 's simplicity was much like that parent-figure : it can suddenly look more complicated , and more assumed , than one had at first supposed .
6 In Raymond Aron 's words , ‘ The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset ’ .
7 ‘ I suppose , ’ said Suvarov , paying no attention to her rudeness or the incipient hysteria in her voice , ‘ because it was so important … not just fighting it , but being part of it , doing one 's best and living more intensely over a longer time than one had before . ’
8 I would rather have an RSPCA worker who retained the capacity to weep than one hardened to the darker necessities of the job .
9 This difference does not interact with junction , F(9,50)=1.01 , suggesting that it is largely a general improvement rather than one related to aspects of individual junctions .
10 A rat tested about 24 hours after being taught does as well as one tested just after being taught , and much better than one tested 12 hours after being taught .
11 French polish : furniture usually requires a finish of higher quality and appearance than one applied to , for instance , doors or wall cladding .
12 However , in the non-thermonuclear fusion process above , a neutron emitted in the direction of the moving deuteron will have a higher energy than one emitted in the opposite direction , much as an object thrown from a moving vehicle travels faster when thrown forwards .
13 Sisters and brothers let's continue to work and campaign and together to create a Europe with a future , rather than one locked in the past .
14 Section 2(4) of the Act provides … any enactment passed or to be passed , other than one contained in this Part of this Act , shall be construed and have effect subject to the foregoing provisions of this section … "
15 ‘ In my observation , a body set up by government is more likely to face pressure than one established by an industry . ’
16 A plant placed in a 5°C environment will be visibly smaller than one maintained at 20°C .
17 As Schotland argues : ‘ [ b ] oth economists and the ‘ fairness-minded ’ will prefer … a market characterised by informed transactions with sharp price shifts when the information changes , rather than one characterised by many uninformed transactions . ’
18 There 's no more perfect strawberry than one soaked in a mix of lemon juice and a little sugar .
19 Did it accord with legitimate expectations of fair and reasonable persons or was it a high-handed exercise of power of a kind more to be expected of an authoritarian government than one guided by and subscribing to principles of limited government ?
20 So , a story set in contemporary Britain is likely to be easier ( for British pupils ) than one set in a different period of history or in a different culture or environment .
21 In Knuller v DPP the Law Lords considered that the word " corrupt " implied a powerful and corrosive effect , which went further than one suggested definition , " to lead morally astray " .
22 This recalls the habitual remark of youngsters admitting to some misdemeanor performed under the influence of another : He made me do it ! , which would be significantly different from He forced me to do it which implies an action one was pushed into by means of force rather than one performed under coercion .
23 Fujitsu Ltd is preparing to plunge into the massively parallel processing market with a machine that it claims delivers 300 GFLOPS peak using ‘ only a few hundred processors ’ : on current plans , it will be the first major computer manufacturer to enter the market with its own machine rather than one bought in .
24 THE financial plight at the mighty Quakers ( see above ) must be worse than anybody thought .
25 He gave the traditional religious answer to the riddle , but he articulated it more clearly and convincingly than anybody had before .
26 I suppose the divorce must have affected her more than anyone realised . ’
27 According to Ian Hawkins : ‘ The recession has tested the ability of management to cope with a period of economic downturn deeper and longer than anyone expected , and the venture capitalists ’ ability to negotiate their way through it .
28 SOONER than anyone expected , the mayoral contest in New York has shaken down into a re-run of the 1989 race between David Dinkins , now the incumbent , and Rudolph Giuliani , his Republican rival .
29 Apparently they 're holding their own — and , in fact , doing slightly better than anyone expected . ’
30 Now , before he has even turned 11 , he is faced with taking on his grandmother 's burdens far earlier than anyone imagined .
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