Example sentences of "than [pron] she " in BNC.

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1 yeah , yes and er she , but she was a bit younger than me she was more my young sister 's age , two years younger than me
2 He was inspired , probably more inspired than anybody she had ever met .
3 It was the popularity of the show rather than herself she had in mind , although her own extraordinarily sexy form in those days could just have had something to do with it .
4 She liked this man more than anyone she 'd ever met .
5 It takes more than what she meant !
6 ‘ She talks more about the stars she has met than what she has done . ’
7 A mind like hers had never been trained to encompass a vast concept or to accommodate any larger vision than what she could see with half-closed eyes .
8 It is a common problem for a woman to undervalue herself , being aware only of what she can not , rather than what she can , do .
9 Her racially prejudiced views did n't help the matter , but it was what she was thinking rather than what she said which added flame to the fire of her anger .
10 I have n't any details either than what she said .
11 In fact , she 'll have to eat the same amount of calories as Mary — rather than what she ate before — or she 'll eventually regain the lost weight .
12 Perhaps she envisaged a more general conversation than what she shared with Jean-Claude .
13 Anything , but anything was better than what she had been through .
14 In essence it was simpler than what she had suggested the previous night ; but the details were far more involved .
15 Well I would probably want her not to have too much less than what she 's got at the moment because
16 Yes she 's me she 's better now than what she was er , Rosie thanks .
17 got a one cos it was bigger than what she wears .
18 but , erm it might of taken longer than what she thought as regards her London ends you see
19 They 've told her she 's had three years more than what she should of had , she 's living on borrowed time , but , erm , she said the ho er
20 Yeah , Jacqueline did better than what she did .
21 Yeah I 'm afraid so , I think it 's compounded by the fact that your , what your dad says sums it up beautifully about your mum , I was talking to him about , you know , what does she , what she 's got in her life other than what she ever had other than a home , working and so on , has she got any hobbies at home or does she do anything is there anything that takes her mind off things
22 when Richard was staying she went in middle of us and she was , she were a lot more comfortable , than what she is when she 's in her own room
23 Advanced age had by now somewhat mellowed my mother , with the result that I enjoyed my visits to the palace , for when the subject was other than myself she could be stimulating and amusing company .
24 But more than anything she ‘ does ’ with her voice , it 's something clotted , intractable , something inconsolable within its fabric , that holds and entrances .
25 I think it 's a shame she then made the ‘ career move ’ to a chat show format because she 's much more interesting in her own right than anything she elicits from her guests .
26 The uninhibited joining of their bodies was more glorious than anything she had imagined , and the culminating spasm which rocked and arched her body made her cry out with exquisite agony .
27 The stench which rose from below , to where Ruth stood at the top of the hatchway , was worse than anything she could ever have imagined .
28 That , too , was on a larger scale than anything she had ever known .
29 She thought it was better than anything she read in books .
30 It was all so much better than anything she could possibly have envisaged .
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