Example sentences of "than [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Well if she lasts another year and I 'll last another year , she 'll be older than me wo n't she ?
2 This , then , is my reality that no one other than me can inhabit ; this is no movie .
3 Well you could n't have anybody more careful than me could you ?
4 THE natural tendency to consider the West Germans as better Europeans than ourselves will be severely tested when the EC seeks to complete work on a common monopolies and competition policy in Brussels today .
5 Step 2 of the Anonymous Fellowships states " Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity " .
6 " Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity " .
7 Her moon-shaped face was always split with a smile , even when she was scooping up dog turds with a device the handle of which was at least two feet shorter than I would have wanted it to be .
8 When I first met these ideas , I was reluctant to accept them , because they seemed to suggest that our knowledge of the world is more unreliable than I would like to think .
9 The whole object looks more Byzantine than I would have guessed , an effect heightened by the pendants which hang from each side .
10 He was less sympathetic than I would have expected , but I am sure that he will send her home if she is unwell . ’
11 Anyway , there was less blood than I would have imagined . ’
12 I had a lot less hassle walking around Tripoli , than I would have walking around Athens , for example .
13 Miss LaMotte spoke more forcefully than I would have expected : she is surprisingly handsome when animated .
14 This threat posed less of a distraction to the horses than I would have hoped .
15 The drop down from Meall Corranaich and back up to Beinn Ghlas was a great deal more substantial than I would have wished at this point in the walk , keeping in mind that I was hallucinating from the effort of the chase and the subsequent lack of oxygen managing to get anywhere near my lungs via a mouth full of clenched teeth .
16 Of course he would know all the teachers and their nicknames better than I would .
17 He moved faster than I would have thought anyone could on a train and was already talking into a radio headset when I reached his office .
18 I 'd like to get a Martin D45 ; I saw one in a catalogue for $100,000 , which is a bit more than I would care to pay ! ’
19 Being a member of the senior team that 's addressing those issues I think gives me a much broader job than I would otherwise have continued to enjoy . ’
20 At one point Andy says : ‘ I 'd rather walk down the Falls Road with a Union Jack wrapped round me than I would get out here . ’
21 Maybe I 'm being a bit more tolerant towards him than I would be if I had n't met him .
22 I may modify my behaviour to conform to the expectations of the group , and I will do so in a much shorter time than I would in a one-to-one relationship .
23 Now she is more independent than I would ever have believed possible .
24 He took it like a man , which is better than I would have taken it .
25 ‘ She tells it better than I would .
26 I find it boring , it 's not particularly useful — it 's very academic , more so than I would have expected it to be .
27 They had drifted much farther than I would have thought possible .
28 I 'd rather watch men play tennis than I would women !
29 Erm , the conditions were erm slightly different on the second floor , in the sense that there were a few , few people and a few items of equipment erm , and there is a relatively great density of staff on the first floor than I would have found .
30 " I feel worn out , much more than I would if I 'd been for miles on the moor .
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