Example sentences of "my way of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Someone , ’ said Inspector Milsom meaningfully , ‘ seems to have been altogether too careful to my way of thinking . ’
2 ‘ Yes , sorry — my way of talking .
3 ‘ She was having trouble with a piece of chewing gum and it was my way of saying thank you .
4 Moreover , Lorca influenced Leonard 's world-view too ; his ‘ transcendental and far-reaching ’ ideas about life touched him : ‘ Lorca changed my way of being and thinking radically , ’ he told a Spanish journalist .
5 This is my way of memorialising my beloved son 's life .
6 That 's not my way of doing it .
7 What changed my way of approaching things ?
8 But it is my way of getting out of a sticky situation .
9 Never did anything but harm to my way of thinking , ’ says George Kittlemann , a rancher who agrees to explain the ‘ for sale ’ sign posted by his fence .
10 Once he was wealthy enough , he began taking time out each winter to fulfil personal projects , ‘ It 's my way of putting something of myself into my work .
11 I 've bought Smiths records but they have never altered my way of thinking .
12 And my goal was to bring him around to my way of thinking ; there 's no question that I stopped fooling around when he agreed with me .
13 We are going back to 1978 , maybe I was a bit vain and thought the world revolved around me , but it was my way of motivating myself , and it worked with Archie Gemmill , every time I played him after that I kicked him up in the air . ’
14 All that summer I was ill — they said they thought it was glandular fever — but I know it was my way of reacting to my father 's death .
15 Already , in my childhood , this had become my way of studying animals .
16 It is my way of showing my appreciation for their support , and it comes from the heart .
17 And my reaction to this fear , my way of combating it , was to escape into a world of no fear , a world where there were complete men , good-looking , strong , active , a world of erotic fearlessness where the whole man had free rein , the whole man whom I was convinced I would not or could not become .
18 Different people write songs differently , and that 's my way of writing . ’
19 Here is my way of making ‘ cut and sew ’ buttonholes , I find it especially useful on difficult yarns , for example , bouclés .
20 ‘ It 's my way of relaxing . ’
21 JB : My background , living in the north country with rugged landscapes , had a great influence on my way of thinking and working .
22 My way of life/Is fallen into the sere , the yellow leaf' , says Macbeth ; ‘ why do you start , and seem to fear/Things that do sound so fair ? ’ asks Banquo ; ‘ I see thee still ’ , says Macbeth to the imaginary dagger , ‘ And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood , /Which was not so before . ’
23 Another time-saving tip is my way of threading the tension arm assembly .
24 To my way of thinking , penguins are superb examples of evolution fitting out a bird to make the best use of its environment — the only potential problem being man .
25 I think it was a kind of defence mechanism , my way of warding off those waves of sadness .
26 To speak of my way of being , or what it is like to be me , seems to be to speak of what distinguishes my conscious life from the conscious lives of others .
27 I knew what they had in mind , they knew my way of working , which cut down enormously on the number of meetings we needed to plan shows out .
28 ‘ To my way of thinking , ’ said an officer of wide experience , ‘ this is just paper — it 's only figures on paper , this is — to prevent the general public being able to prosecute the authority if a sewage works has the odd bad sample . ’
29 The links that have developed in networking with the many voluntary groups that operate in the areas and the recognition of the individuals right to self-esteem and to develop an expertise in relation to living and functioning in their many roles , has changed my way of working with people — probably forever .
30 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
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