Example sentences of "about [det] way " in BNC.

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1 They declared almost unanimously that it would not change their way of life , which makes one wonder what was so attractive about that way of life ( in fact , nearly all pools winners were forced to move , through the envy of neighbours ) .
2 It often comes about that way , it starts as a , a metaphor and then gets frozen .
3 How do you feel er about that way of building our business ?
4 ( ii ) The sequence in which pieces of information are released is only part of what is odd about this way of putting things .
5 Tell me , young woman , what is right about this way of life ?
6 About half way up Tottenham Court Road there was , and still is , a Scientology centre .
7 ‘ With the previous pans we used you had 22lbs of chips ready at one time and about half way through you tended to lose the quality because some of the chips would get sweaty .
8 Obviously he built up to ‘ Space Oddity ’ being somewhere in the middle of the set and about half way through the set , he dismissed the band .
9 About half way along the corridor a single candle burned in an iron holder on a small table .
10 About half way back it happened : he stopped , sat down quickly in the middle of the road , and was very sick .
11 He went over the ledge , hit the water again about half way down , skidded unscathed out of the tube , and kept on going .
12 It was common practice for families to attend evening service and we sat in the same pew each week , about half way back in the north aisle .
13 About half way down the hill forming the eastern slope of Nafferton Slack , by the road-side , to prevent waggons leaving the roadway , stood a large stone , which was believed to have wonderful powers .
14 About half way back , next to the central aisle , would be ideal , she decided .
15 Body and neck are held together by four screws through a neckplate , and I 'd suggest it might be worth Vox looking at using one of these screws to hold the strap button , which at the moment is screwed to the body about half way along the top of the plate .
16 About half way through a sump and filter check would be taken and then the ground running would continue .
17 About half way !
18 About half way through the interview , the forty women were given a test of ‘ self-attitudes ’ developed by the American sociologists Manford H. Kuhn and Thomas S. McPartland , which provides data on this point .
19 About half way up , at the Trift Hotel , it came into view .
20 The subject of this study was born in the village of Kim-Lien in the Nghe-An province , about half way between Hue and Hanoi .
21 She saw them for the first time about half way through the second week .
22 At first light it became clear that HMS Impregnable had carried five miles across shoal water from the Dean to a position about half way between Langstone and Chichester harbours , approximately half a mile from Hayling Island .
23 About half way through , one of the cows dropped down dead with an attack of hypomagnesaemia , a condition which often plagues sucklers .
24 Mr Bailes ' little place was situated about half way along Highburn village and to get into the farmyard you had to walk twenty yards or so between five-foot walls .
25 SCOTVEC is now about half way through the Advanced Courses Development Programme and almost completely at the end of the major national developments .
26 SCOTVEC held an information session about half way through this phase , at Christmas 1989 .
27 About half way along the block , he dropped thankfully to a walk .
28 About half way back , he made a brief stop and flung the empty gasoline can far into the night .
29 About half way along its length , he located the barred skylight window he had noted as a possible means of entry , during his recce of the house the day of the interview with Jim Miller .
30 Chairman Judith Billingham said yesterday : ‘ Wales is one of the highest drinking regions of the UK and about half way up the league table for Europe .
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