Example sentences of "time for us " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's time for us to close now , love . ’
2 Yes means a time for us to be together , us and only us in a place that is beautiful and special and quiet and does n't know just how amazing a love is about to transform it into one of those Indian summer memories that make deaf old ladies grin knowingly , when you think they are dead in a deckchair on the sea front .
3 It was , he said , a ‘ good time for us as Conservatives to think afresh about the direction of British politics ; about where we have come from , what we are doing , and where the future is taking our nation and our party . ’
4 I suppose if you were either one of them it would be nice but I 'd go out and say to them , ‘ David , it 's time for us to do a vocal now ’ and Angie would say , ‘ Oh , Davey Wavey , do you have to leave me now ? ’ , to which he 'd reply , ‘ Oh , Angie Pangie , I suppose I do — old Uncle Tony wants me in the studio . ’
5 When I visited Aunt Louise there was just time for us to have a meal in one of the High Street cafés before I caught the bus home .
6 There 's not many got time for us old ‘ uns .
7 It 's time for us to join the fight … and the best way to fight is education … ’
8 It is time for us to thank .
9 It took a long time for us to reach an understanding .
10 In the main it was a fun time for us girls .
11 Always had time for us when we were little .
12 Theoretically , her biological clock is ticking away , although in practice , there is still enough time for us to split up , find new partners , get to know them and start a family .
13 ‘ Now it is time for us to part , alas , alas !
14 Meaning that you 'll have no time for us here at all soon . ’
15 ‘ It 'll soon be time for us to take control , seriously . ’
16 Now is the time for us all to inform ourselves about the problem to make sure that we all have a part in the making of that decision ’ .
17 ‘ However , it seems a difficult time for us to consider the situation with such an important match a day away .
18 I scribbled a note telling him what our doctor had said and begging him , if he saw fit , for the drug that promised the chance of an easier time for us both .
19 It was time for us to get on with the climbing .
20 ‘ We have lost four games recently that we never deserved to lose so it 's been a hard time for us .
21 ‘ The ground was very fast at York which he does n't like and the rain came just in time for us on Saturday .
22 David Hughes-Hallet explains ‘ We do n't actually own the reserve , we just manage it by agreement with the owner , so the sale is a very uncertain time for us . ’
23 as if He 'd have any time for us with the mob of Holy Joes He 's got to see to .
24 As the level of county commitment to social education lessens it would seem to be a time for us as members of local parish , town and diocesan communities to look at the priority given to such work with our own young people .
25 Christmas is a natural time for us to indulge ourselves , free from the constraints of commissioning clients , and as calligraphy lends itself admirably to the creation of ephemera such as greetings cards , most of us have a large collection of those many of our distinguished colleagues .
26 ‘ Perhaps now is the time for us , as Christians , to reflect on our contribution to this non-communication .
27 " I do n't believe that this is the time for us to profit from each other 's misery so I hereby cancel all sales of food which have taken place this afternoon .
28 Well the only thing is that I hope that the next generation that is coming along now will appreciate what has been done for their generation because it took a long time for us to get what we wanted for our children and now with our grandchildren are coming along I hope the town will improve with their growth .
29 He always had plenty of time for us .
30 It 's always a happy time with young children in the house and everybody gathers around , it 's a family time for us and we enjoy it .
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