Example sentences of "time it be " in BNC.

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1 We can not explain the motivations of Romeo in terms of today 's values , but we can bring a contemporary handling to the words that will make the imagery blaze afresh each time it is spoken .
2 My dream of a book whose print fades a little each time it is read until the pages are blank .
3 The best scheme , by far , is to do what is normally done , ie. , write a bit image file in terms of the resolution available at the time it is created .
4 Venturing to propound a law of intellectual life , I suggest that evaluative criticism enters institutional literary study under the influence of practising writers , or of critics who have a close discipular relation to them , but that in time it is rejected , like an alien organ .
5 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
6 At the same time it is bringing a new generation of management into the MB Group boardroom to mastermind the next phase of the company 's expansion .
7 Whatever time it is , Tanit is where you are .
8 In the second stanza we find him still in the classical world , though this time it is the Greek rather than the Italian , and it begins by being the Greek seen not through the eyes of Frazer , but through the eyes of Keats .
9 When Hankey explained that , since the war , he had ‘ rather made a point of not voting ’ , to emphasize his detachment from Party politics , the King replied , ‘ But this time it is different .
10 The view is as good as anyone could hope , yet each time it is different .
11 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
12 This time it is the home team briefing a visiting General about the Sandhurst courses .
13 This time it is different .
14 Do you know what time it is ?
15 Look at what time it is . ’
16 After verse 2 even the city itself remains nameless until verse 25 , by which time it is all over .
17 Where the Early Church had a vision of community and mission as its sustaining theology , a hierarchical Church has an equally well-organized vision , only this time it is a vision of separation .
18 If you realize that you are especially susceptible at some particular time it is foolish to place yourself directly in temptation 's way .
19 This time it is not a natural parting of the ways like leaving school that has happened ; rather , an unexpected factor , for example some form of incurable disease or sudden death through illness or accident has occurred , which propels us into a significant loss that we are not prepared for .
20 And because the horse has n't been upset , it is more likely to be co-operative next time it is to be shod .
21 A lot of the time it is difficult to know what horses have in mind , and they must find us equally frustrating to understand .
22 ‘ I do n't give a damn what time it is .
23 But this time it is a thin column , like a pole , not very high .
24 But at the same time it is surely doing more than assert what God is not .
25 Defection is vulnerable to retaliation : the partner can refuse to play the female role next time it is ‘ her ’ ( his ? ) turn to do so , or ‘ she ’ can simply terminate the whole relationship .
26 This time it is not a matter of rate-capping and ‘ the cuts ’ , though they no doubt played a part , but of decisions to recast teacher training .
27 Clearly , before the sound begins we can not measure the time it is going to take , but after it has sounded how can we measure it , since it is then no more ?
28 The life span of a human skin cell from the time it is born until the time it is shed is just a few weeks .
29 The life span of a human skin cell from the time it is born until the time it is shed is just a few weeks .
30 In tennis he will ask his students to call out their estimate of the height of the ball above the net as it crosses from side to side , or he will ask them to shout ‘ Bounce ’ each time the ball bounces and ‘ Hit ’ each time it is hit , giving Self 2 a chance to show what a fluent player he really is .
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