Example sentences of "time [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 I regularly take such groups of boys walking , and sometimes spend a lot of time apologising to other walkers .
2 ‘ We seem to be spending a great deal of time apologising to one another these days .
3 The seventh text is a further condemnation , this time relating to war : ‘ any act of war aimed indiscriminately at the destruction of entire cities or of extensive areas along with their population is a crime against God and man himself .
4 ‘ It would take time starving to death and it 's not a dignified way of dying , ’ he said .
5 This is one respect in which active citizenship is important because involvement in the community by voluntary work and political activity serves to foster a sense in the participating citizen of belonging to the community and of national identity , while at the same time contributing to the common welfare .
6 He received little except somewhat vague offers of support but early in 1707 went back to Scotland , this time returning to St Germain with a formal invitation to ‘ James III and VIII ’ to reclaim his kingdom .
7 Some , like Denis O'Flaherty , who was in hospital for two years , would be a long time returning to the fight .
8 Their generosity was appreciated being so willing to give some time explaining to a fellow enthusiast the intricacies of steaming a locomotive for the first time and the difficulties which had been experienced in the rebuilding process .
9 Polybius had spent the greater part of his time explaining to Greeks and Romans why the Romans were bound to win .
10 Douglas had spent much of the time explaining to the table the intricacies of the plot of his next novel ; Leon Brittan had been rather short with him .
11 think the Council had a time meeting to actually discuss that report with , with
12 One-fifth of all Russian victuals came from Siberia at this time according to local estimates .
13 There were two stern clocks on the walls — neither of which agreed with the time according to Rock Hardy — and a set of coloured prints showing dreary desert scenes .
14 I suspect that such things may gradually wither away , as members of staff are increasingly prepared to give their time according to the letter of their contracts and no more , and are increasingly expected to do so .
15 Budget your time according to your practice routine .
16 One of the most basic features of capitalism is the separation of the workers from the means of production and one of the most basic aims of socialism is to abolish that separation , to regulate the allocation of resources and the expenditure of labour time according to the ‘ republican and beneficent system of the association of free and equal producers ’ ( Marx , 1974 , p. 90 ) .
17 Durkheim 's second ‘ law ’ was : ‘ Deprivations of liberty , and of liberty alone , varying in time according to the seriousness of the crime , tend to become more and more the normal means of social control ’ ( 1973 : 294 ) .
18 Relationships in a single policy area also vary over time according to the issues and personalities involved .
19 If you evolve such a universe forward in time according to the laws of science , you will end up with the lumpy and irregular state you started with .
20 The following three forms of rates of interest may be regarded as suitable for use where it is envisaged that the rate of interest should fluctuate from time to time according to market rates :
21 But in the end Grey does venture the overall generalization that ‘ the experience in the Korean War demonstrated again the conflict between Dominion aspirations and increasing independence in policy formulation , and the British desire to maintain their status as a great power by drawing on the resources of the Dominions in ‘ friendly cooperation , ’ while at the same time arrogating to themselves the benefits which accrued from such association' ( p. 185 ) .
22 There were conflicts within individuals who found themselves looking nostalgically to their own tribal past while at the same time wanting to be part of the newly emerging social and economic order .
23 But no , you have spent enough time writing to a poor ignorant serving girl .
24 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
25 And she softened her demanding when to spending time listening to Lucy , thrilling her with music and words , filled with a need to have Lucy know she was loved unconditionally .
26 Nor do I spend much time listening to jazz .
27 If art and preferences went hand in hand , we would spend all our time listening to only the most ‘ artistic ’ music .
28 I spent a lot of time listening to records and just hanging out with friends .
29 A great deal of pressure is then put on the social worker to act in the way the majority want , and not spend time listening to what the client wants .
30 As an avid reader of Hot Press and several other music mags , I recently decided that I was spending too much time reading about music and not enough time listening to the stuff .
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