Example sentences of "time [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the policy of buying off the enemy was a long-term failure , and as time passed was surely increasingly viewed as such .
2 Andy Stevenson 's powerful strike as half time approached was followed by an injury time free kick from Ian Helliwell .
3 During practice the best time logged was twenty minutes .
4 In evaluations of the length of time spent on supervised clinical allocation before employment , the vast majority of course tutors said that course members felt that time allowed was inadequate , and would happily have continued for longer .
5 The previous fastest time recorded was 45 mph .
6 as if my whole life , he wrote , had been spent working at the glass and at the same time had been spent doing nothing at all .
7 Between 1949 and 1954 much of his spare time had been given to poetic scribbling ; and he was also giving voice to a measure of vacillation and disillusionment , which we shall encounter in his poetry from time to time .
8 A great deal of money and time had been spent by the 13 political associations in their efforts to win approval from the government-appointed National Electoral Commission ( NEC ) .
9 This scheme , which was the first which opened up the riverside in Leeds , an area which up to this time had been ignored and declining for 100 years , led the way for the mass of development which has since followed .
10 Time had been lost to rain and bad light , and by the close England had struggled to 35 for 3 ; next morning , the conditions were better and Tavaré , on his international debut , reached 82 not out .
11 Ari realised she had never felt this before — not even at home , where time had been her own .
12 Mackie at that time had been unable to conceive and was troubled and unhappy because of it .
13 They found there had been no unjustifiable delay and said time had been needed to assemble evidence .
14 If the ancient bacteria that lived before that time had been intelligent , they would have recognized it as a very serious pollution .
15 Their supply base had been moved forward to Benghazi , which by that time had been captured by the British , and it was intended to stay out for as long as two months , mounting almost nightly raids .
16 Barton Lynch , sitting out the qualifying rounds and waiting for the main event , recalled the 1988 Billabong , which for the first time had been held at Pipeline .
17 It was a hot afternoon and the first one for ages when his time had been his own until bedtime .
18 ‘ Nor do I. ’ He smiled at her , and she smiled gently back at the tall , grey-haired , spare-framed man , whose brown eyes were so like her own , and whose hair at one time had been auburn , too , not a grizzled grey as it was now .
19 James displayed the long-awaited tactical skill needed to vitalize the team formation drawn up nearly five years before , and with Lambert finding new flair at centre-forward , one of the most famous attacking lines of all time had been forged .
20 Lefevre , who for some time had been shifting in his seat with every sign of impatience , relaxed and smiled .
21 Although the average working week was still forty-eight hours , most men at that time had been reared when toil used to start at six o'clock in the morning and carried on until eight each evening .
22 Our only ‘ machine tool ’ up to that time had been a second-hand pillar drill .
23 Ulam took his idea to Teller who developed and extended it so rapidly that the outlines of a practicable thermonuclear device were complete before the GEORGE shot ( 8 May 1951 ) ; this had been designed as part of the development programme for the classical Super which by that time had been junked .
24 He thought for a moment that time had been operated on .
25 It is incredible that my challenge in tournaments so often during this time had been to make the cut .
26 Also , Lister 's discovery of the importance of antisepsis made surgery , which up till that time had been a hazardous technique , a safe procedure , and with the development of anaesthesia , surgery suddenly began to enjoy great popularity as a panacea for many ills .
27 While it was unrealistic to expect one practitioner , with such limited practice , to make a significant difference to the workload of the department , it was possible to identify patients whose waiting time had been shortened because they were able to see an ENP .
28 And the person awarding the prizes had to admit that he did n't know what her time had been , even though she had run a superb race and had beaten the course record by a full four minutes .
29 I felt enough time had been wasted , but time did n't seem to mean anything to Brando .
30 He tried to realign retrospectively things he had written many years before , for what at the time had been entirely adequate reasons .
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