Example sentences of "time [be] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Simon the Stripping Vicar had also in his time been Simon the Sex Ton , the Curvy Curate and even the Randy Rabbi .
2 Also leaving the committee at this time are Mrs Sheila Peterson , Mrs Liz Beevers , Mrs Valerie Hawkins , Mrs Andrea Lawson , Mrs L McEwan , Archie Mack , Graham Espin , Brian Chrystal .
3 He was assiduous in helping Ealing Colts , amongst whom at the time were Simon Hughes and Keith Tomlins .
4 The stars this time were Cecil Parker , James Robertson Justice , Ian Bannen , Irene Handl and Kenneth Griffith .
5 The other six in the Physic Garden at that time were RR. alpina , alba , eglanteria , cinnamomea ,
6 Member States at this time were Belgium , France , the Federal Republic of Germany , Italy , Luxembourg and the Netherlands .
7 In 1839 Brigham Young , the US religious leader , visited Britain and established a mission that contributed many converts to the Mormon church in America ; among the many who emigrated at that time were Thomas and Mary Jones from Llanaber in Wales .
8 Well , the only racing writers who were at Down Royal for the two day July meeting when the new stand was put into use for the first time were Tony and Peter O'Hehir and myself .
9 Three who suffered particularly at the time were Richard and Phoebe Winch who lived just below the Centre and in whose house I often took my evening glass of ‘ allowed ’ claret , and Ann Willson who looked after me for the Saturday and Sunday .
10 For the time being Chamberlain survived — largely because Eden , the big fish among the Tory dissidents , would not jump .
11 Of its 450 members , 162 last month signed a letter arguing that for the time being Ukraine should hold on to its nuclear weapons .
12 For the time being Jonathon will carry on cleaning the empty theatre in the hope that one day he 'll be on the stage and the seats will be full .
13 For the time being UNESCO is unable to send a cultural mission to Iraq to investigate the situation , although it has had a team of experts lined up since July of last year .
14 It sounds simple but it is not , which is why for the time being Zurich seems to have stolen a march on its rivals .
15 For the time being Macmillan advised the cabinet that Britain should try to conciliate Egypt and persuade Washington to do the same .
16 FOR the time being Clint is a one-woman man .
17 Me too , but good luck for the time being Susan .
18 For the time being Microsoft has its guns trained on the Unix application base , but it is taking little or no effort to persuade ISVs to port to an operating system that by even its own admission wo n't be around until next Spring at the earliest .
19 For the time being Wordperfect is n't going to compete head-on against Lotus Development Corp 's Notes product .
20 For the time being Brian Roycroft assures everyone that they wo n't fall off a precipice on 1 April and that community care is going to work .
21 One that everybody seems to have played at some time is Tetris .
22 The format of REPEAT TIME is DDDD HH:MM , for example 0001 00:00 means nightly and 0007 00:00 means weekly .
23 What time is Gill driving round ?
24 Well what time is Toby coming back ?
25 This week our guest on Sharing Time is Erlend who is one of the survivors of the Piper Alpha disaster and is one who has come back to Orkney this last week , staying with his family here in Orkney .
26 10,000 MANIACS play a low-key live show later this month , the day after the release of their new LP ‘ Our Time is Eden ’ .
27 Another Challenge Tour player with potential of making the big time is Kevin Golding .
28 What time is Malcolm due home , seven ?
29 What time is Henry the Eighth , the Fifth ?
30 What time is Lucy coming to you by the way Terry ?
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