Example sentences of "then [Wh adv] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Trouble was , if she appeared downstairs too soon it would look as if she was cadging a lift , and if she arrived too late they would have gone without her — and then how would she summon up the courage to go at all ?
2 Then how would you explain the relationship , leaving sexuality aside ? ’
3 And then how would you do that then ?
4 And then how would I have felt , she asked herself as she hurled the jeep down the motorway , finding that I 'd fallen again for a man as cold and hard as that — finding out when it was too late what he was really like ?
5 Social Worker : Then how could you have played it differently ?
6 For example , if the notion of human rights is a meaningful one ( itself in hot dispute ) , and if it extends to all humans , including the severely and terminally brain-damaged , then how could we logically fail to extend the notion to at least some animals ?
7 If the tests were truly designed for the control of ‘ anti-social influences in the arts ’ , as the Report said , then how could the law seem other than misconceived when a decade or more of legal scrutiny and barristers ' banter had been publicly squandered on the anti-social potential of pubic hair , the peculiar dangers of which seemed clearer to the police than to juries .
8 But then how could you expect someone like David Mellor to give up his sort of games for those they 're playing in Spain ? — .
9 He was bad all through , that one , and they were good folk They wanted rid of him for good , and I think they were a bit afraid he might come back , and then how could they turn him out ? ’
10 The first approach replied that this was all very well but then how could we ever assess the importance of one variable against another in the overall changes ?
11 ‘ — read my mind , then how could you answer my questions before I had a chance to ask them ? ’ she gabbled , and took a deep breath .
12 But if what you saw was an illusion then how could you use the fact of that , to prove it was an illusion ?
13 She wished she would understand ; but then how could she ?
14 Then how could he have called to me ? ’
15 If what he says in the scum book is true then how could we let that happen , surely Blackburn could have been squeezed for a goodly 3 squiddlys .
16 Then how could I have spoiled things ? ’
17 If we find cognisance flourishing where there is a set of actions as restricted as those of Christy Nolan 's , then how can reality be something that we posit as the limits of action : in this case a poor actor should have a correspondingly poor grasp of the real .
18 Then how can you make up your mind , just like that ? ’
19 If this is the case , then how can any male tortoiseshells exist at all ?
20 If a little girl can not feel herself able to win the heart of her father , her own father who has known her so well and so long , and is tied to her by mutual blood-ties , I reasoned , then how can the young woman who comes later have any deep confidence in the power of her womanliness .
21 If we create our own reality , then how can we ever be justified in feeling angry ?
22 Surely accountants should be seeking to give their clients value for money and if the audit of a small company is deemed to be of very little value , then how can we in all conscience — justify the charging of substantial fees for such a service .
23 If , as the advocates of the theory hold , ideas and thoughts are ‘ inner ’ and ‘ private ’ , then how can a speaker and a hearer , a writer and a reader , ever know that the ideas and thoughts that are evoked by an utterance are the same as the ideas and thoughts expressed by it ?
24 Morgenthau 's approach was also criticized for ignoring the domestic environment of states , for failing to specify whether human nature was the determining or merely one potential cause of political action , and for being unable to account for mistakes ( if human nature is based on objective laws , then how can individuals make mistakes ? ) .
25 Then how can you leave me ? ’
26 Then how can you , my husband , stop loving me ? ’
27 After all , if your order books are as empty as you say they are , then how can you lose ?
28 And if they get very famished and very desperate and enough of their mates come out to join them , then how can Sir Robert Peel and his Tories fail to listen when you tell him it 's all because of the Corn Laws ?
29 How , if , if Socrates ' true self is the form of human being and Plato 's true self is the form of human being erm then how can we tell their true selves apart ?
30 But if the interpretation of poetic texts is condemned to indeterminacy , then how can we have an explanatory account of the role of figurative language in communication ?
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