Example sentences of "then [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 These bands are knitted first , then joined to the garment on the machine .
2 Consideration was then given to the requirements of the formal systems model , eg the relationships between the system components ( taken in this case to be information flows ) , the resources needed for the system to operate , and how the system would be regulated and controlled .
3 It becomes oddly insulting , not only because it rules out appreciation of beautiful souls lurking behind plain faces , but also because the kind of admiration then given to the beautiful woman begins to assume that her equally lovely nature is sweet , kind , gentle and unselfish — an image of passive , yielding femininity .
4 Horst ‘ Tobias and the Angel ’ ( then given to Ferdinand Boll ) and Theodor Rombouts and Adriaen van Utrecht ‘ Still life with figures , fruit , vegetables and game ’ attributed to Rubens and Frans Snyders ) .
5 Is that approved by the assembly that that is then given to the panel as a new responsibility ?
6 It was created and then given to the town in the last century by Massey — first name , and how fittingly , Placide — who had previously been the gardener in charge of the orangery of Versailles and at the Jar din tea Plantes in Paris .
7 Consideration is then given to the marketer 's choice of forecasting method , and the chapter concludes by examining an alternative forecasting basis , that of market share .
8 then given to the sliding sand .
9 However , vendors rarely find this acceptable , if only because the fact that the guarantee is then given to a third party may mean it has to be dealt with as a separate note in the balance sheet .
10 ‘ I regret that the legal advice then given to the House was not correct . ’
11 I regret that the legal advice then given to the House was not correct …
12 Her Father had been a District Officer in N. Nigeria in the 1920's , and she gave us letters ; a diary ; some amazing old photographs and a telegram ; and , perhaps best of all , the mementoes of Piccin , the baby leopard reared by the family and then given to Edinburgh Zoo in 1929 .
13 After cooling , the mixture was incubated at 42°C for 60 minutes with 200 U of MMLV reverse transcriptase ( Bethesda Research Laboratories ) , 1 mM dNTPs ( United States Biochemical Crop. ) and 25 U of RNAsin ( Promega Biotec , Madison , WI ) in buffer ( 100 mM Tris HCl , pH 8.3 , 150 mM KCl , 6 mM MgCl 2 , 20 mM DTT ) The tubes were then heated to 95°C for 5–10 minutes , and 80 µl dH 2 O was added to the 20 µl of reaction mixture .
14 She was then exposed to various synthetic chemicals in turn , and reacted badly to diesel fumes , cigarette smoke , natural gas , chlorine and alcohol .
15 Except for the control reactions ( -UV ) , the samples were then exposed to 254 nm UV for 5 min and analyzed by 15% SDS-PAGE .
16 He stared at her for a minute , then stripped to the waist and started to scrub the clay off in the basin of steaming water .
17 We were then treated to a video of somebody discussing childbirth , which at first could not be heard by those at the back .
18 We were then treated to a description of the rapidly descending boulder : ‘ It 's about two feet square and a foot deep . ’
19 The team were then treated to a meal and the mill manager presented them with the Challenge Trophy [ through gritted teeth ] and before the lads could get the lens caps off their cameras , they took it back , saying that the cup would stay at Rank 's but Rentokil 's name would be put on .
20 We were then treated to a very detailed description of the work , done and yet to be done , by John Stowell , a BR signalling engineer who is in charge of P-way on the Llangollen railway .
21 The title of the poem is then justified to the reader in the last two lines : —
22 I love you I love you — it 's become some trilling song popular for a lurid month and then dismissed to the club circuit where pudgy rockers with grease in their hair and yearning in their voice will use it to unfrock the lolling front-row girls .
23 We walked up to the fall and what would I not give if I could convey to you the images and feelings which were then communicated to me .
24 These conclusions are then communicated to the central management node via the network .
25 The ‘ Fury and the Spitfire has been to an airshow the previous day at Yeovilton , they had then flown to Humberside for another airshow and were on their way home .
26 She had embraced Simon , patting his face and exclaiming over his bruised eye , and had then flown to Isabel , taking her in her arms and weeping over her enough , so her husband had said , to raise the level of the lake .
27 The RJO released Mann , 77 , in Beirut on Sept. 24 ; he was taken to Damascus and then flown to the UK .
28 Cars and drivers were then flown to India for the trip between Delhi and Bombay , followed by another airlift from Bombay to Perth and finally , an eight day race to the finish in Sydney .
29 The issue was then referred to the Cabinet 's Civil Aviation Committee for further consideration .
30 The proposal , unveiled in April , was initially investigated by the Office of Fair Trading and then referred to the MMC three months later for a more detailed probe .
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