Example sentences of "him and [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 She glared at him and her impatience at his frailty began to neutralize her fear .
2 If they were both standing , perhaps having drinks with friends , she would lean towards him and her glass would tilt and spill .
3 He was a shadowy figure from the past whose name was scarcely ever mentioned except on those rare occasions when they spoke of the accident , that terrible accident that had claimed the lives of him and her mother when Harriet was only four years old .
4 Two years of silence , of splits between her life with him and her commitment to politics desperately ended by leaving both .
5 She tumbled forward against him and her hair , escaping from the ribbon at the nape of her neck , made a tent for their faces .
6 She looked up at him and her mouth , already close to his , moved closer , seemed to falter , then moved closer and they kissed .
7 He was a merry young man and yet , quite firm in his discipline , so that the child was eager to please him and her education made rapid strides .
8 The Female Beggar in An Evening Walk — the first of Wordsworth 's deserted women — laments for her soldier ‘ Asleep on Bunker 's charnel hill afar ’ , and the Female Vagrant , having followed her husband across the Atlantic , loses him and her children and is reduced to destitution .
9 Smith , 44 , of Hyde , Cheshire , who had been married to Norma for 23 years , snapped when she told him she wanted him out of the house and made ‘ unflattering comparisons ’ between him and her lover , Kenneth Ormiston .
10 She sat down and began to pour out the tea and , her voice still quiet , she went on , ‘ I do n't suppose it 's really so bad for you , instructing or teaching , whatever it is you do , but in the Naafi , amidst the clatter — ’ she now looked at him and her words were spaced as she went on , ‘ and the chaff and the ribbing ; well , I sometimes think I have died and gone to hell , because that 's what I think hell must be like ; constant joking , especially when you hear the same thing repeated over and over again . ’
11 The old woman stared at him and her eyes were bright and piercing and the silver thimble had fallen to the lap of her dress , and her fists were clenched now as if she searched for a memory , and her husband watched her anxiously as if he witnessed that she was at war within herself .
12 Her eyes appraised him and her thin fingers were spread towards him fan-wise , it was clear she expected some money .
13 After the Anglo-French reconciliation of 1303 , Edward wrote to Marie of France thanking her for her letters in which she expressed her desire for a meeting and conversation between him and her stepson , Philip the Fair .
14 She was glad at last to have a use for information from Robert : it justified her relationship with him and her decision to press ahead with the case .
15 He had a moment — it was more than a moment , it was minutes together — when he wanted to cup a hand around her head and for all that they were still almost in the street , open his trousers and feel her tongue lap him and her lips close on him .
16 She looked at him and her lips moved , but nothing audible came from them .
17 He thought of his bed at the Rorim ; then he thought of Madra in it , her warmth under him and her hands on his back , her hair in his mouth .
18 ‘ Then what is doing it ? ’ she asked , her face tilted up to him and her throat a fine line in the firelight .
19 As he opened his mouth in protest , she lifted her hand to stop him and her elbow caught the card which he 'd pushed into the bin .
20 Slowly her head turned to him and her eyes smiled at his .
21 She looked up at him and her eyes were troubled .
22 Jessica grabbed his bursting penis and almost pulled it into her , then threw her legs around him and her arms and crushed him until he gasped , still coming , and then she let out a mighty hoot , a hoot to wake hotel guests two corridors away , she had come as well , once , hard , like a violent convulsion .
23 She had worked for him and her mother in a variety of businesses and was always assured that she would inherit his estate when he died .
24 For women without previous commitment to their own career , dependent as they still often are on the normally higher earnings of men , there may be the excitement of starting their life project , married to their husband 's job and caring for him and their much hoped-for children .
25 The wife , dependent on her husband 's increasing earnings , is committed to the work of home-making for him and their children .
26 Though Bowler came from a similar background to Ricky Stride , he was more responsive to what Minton had to teach him and their conversations opened for him new areas of interest , in art , books and theatre .
27 ( 5 ) In breach of their fiduciary duties they put themselves in a position where there was a conflict between their duty to the plaintiff to inform him and their personal interest in ensuring that they obtained commission on both Vertigo and Caliban. ( 6 ) As a consequence ( a ) the plaintiff was entitled to damages for breach of contract and fiduciary duties ; ( b ) the defendants , being in breach of their fiduciary duties as agents , were not entitled to their commission .
28 Alexei dived towards him and their shields flashed angrily as they collided , sword arms locked .
29 His hands held her to him and their bodies moved together in the most intimate way with no thought of denial .
30 She had left him and their home in Oxford the day before .
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